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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pioneer Forts of Pocahontas County

 Pioneer Forts in Pocahontas County
While the provided source, "Historical Sketches of Pocahontas County, West Virginia," mentions the existence of pioneer forts, it does not provide a comprehensive list of forts within the county.
However, the source does offer some insights into the locations and purposes of these forts:

Forts as Refuges: The source highlights the crucial role of forts in providing protection from Indian raids, which were a constant threat to early settlers.
Families would seek refuge in these forts during times of danger. For instance, the source recounts how women and children would be sent to the fort at Millpoint when there were concerns about Indian attacks.

Strategic Locations: While not explicitly stated, the source suggests that forts were strategically positioned near settlements to offer maximum protection. The fort at Millpoint, for example, was likely situated near a cluster of homes and farms along the Greenbrier River.
Similarly, the mention of a fort near Dunmore, where Colonel Pritchard's mill was later located, indicates that forts were often built near key resources or transportation routes.

Examples of Forts: The source specifically mentions a few forts:

Fort Seybert: This fort, located in present-day Pendleton County, served as a refuge for settlers in the surrounding area, including those who later resided in Pocahontas County.

Warwick Fort: This fort, established by the Warwick family, was situated in an area highly valued by Native Americans for hunting and fishing.

Fort at Millpoint: This fort provided protection for settlers in the Millpoint area, including the Buckley family.

Fort near Dunmore: The source mentions a fort situated near Dunmore, which was likely a focal point for settlers in that region.

Although the source provides valuable insights into the lives and experiences of pioneer families and the importance of forts in their lives, it does not offer a complete list of forts within Pocahontas County. To obtain a comprehensive inventory of pioneer forts in the county, you might want to consult additional historical records, such as county histories, military records, or archaeological surveys.


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Brill's Store

  The sources describe a fond memory the author has of the Black Church choir singing Christmas carols for his mother after his father died ...