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Friday, June 21, 2024

A template for a short story

 create A template for a short story

Short Story Template

This template is a guide to help you brainstorm and structure your short story. Feel free to adapt it to fit your unique story idea!

I. Setting the Stage

    Genre: What kind of story are you telling? (Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, etc.)
    Setting: Where and when does the story take place? Consider the mood and atmosphere you want to create.
        Protagonist (Main Character): Who is your story about? What are their goals, desires, and flaws?
        Antagonist (Opposing Force): Who or what stands in the protagonist's way?
        Secondary Characters: Who else populates your world and how do they interact with the protagonist?

II. The Plot Thickens

    Exposition: Introduce your characters, setting, and the general situation at the beginning of the story.
    Inciting Incident: What event disrupts the protagonist's normal life and sets them on their journey?
    Rising Action: A series of events with increasing tension and stakes as the protagonist pursues their goal or overcomes the challenges presented by the antagonist.
    Climax: The turning point of the story, the moment of greatest challenge or decision for the protagonist.

III. Resolution

    Falling Action: The events that follow the climax, where the consequences of the protagonist's choices or actions unfold.
    Resolution: The story reaches its conclusion. Does the protagonist achieve their goal? What lessons are learned?

IV. Adding Depth

    Conflict: What internal or external struggles drive the plot and the protagonist's development?
    Theme: What underlying message or idea are you exploring in your story?
    Suspense: How will you keep your reader engaged and guessing?
    Sensory Details: Use vivid descriptions to bring your story world to life.
    Dialogue: Realistic and engaging dialogue can reveal character personalities and move the plot forward.

V. Remember:

    This is just a template! Feel free to get creative and bend the rules!
    Read other short stories to see how different authors structure their narratives.
    Don't be afraid to revise and refine your story as you write.

Bonus Tip:  Consider using a story outline worksheet to map out your plot points in more detail.

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