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Saturday, May 18, 2024

William Sharp: A Pocahontas County Pioneer


William Sharp: A Pocahontas County Pioneer

The provided text mentions multiple individuals named William Sharp, all residing in Pocahontas County. To differentiate between them, the text uses identifiers like "Senior" or "Junior", or associates them with their place of residence, like "the Huntersville pioneer" or "near Verdant Valley".

  • William Sharp, the Huntersville Pioneer: The text identifies him as the probable first permanent resident of the Huntersville vicinity, establishing his residence around 1773. He served as a scout and soldier, and it is believed that he originated from Augusta County, possibly near Staunton. His wife's name was Mary Meeks.

    • The text describes an anecdote where William Sharp encountered a pack of nine panthers. He fired nine shots, killing all nine panthers, a story that underscores the dangers of pioneer life.
  • William Sharp, Jr., near Verdant Valley: The text identifies him as a son of William Sharp, the Huntersville pioneer. He married Elizabeth Waddell and established a successful homestead in Verdant Valley, clearing land and building a substantial estate. The text highlights his industrious nature and good citizenship.

    • A narrative in the text details how William Sharp, Jr., initially did not make a favorable impression on Elizabeth Waddell, but eventually won her over, culminating in their marriage. This story reveals insights into the social dynamics and courtship practices of the time.

The text provides extensive genealogical information about both William Sharps, detailing their children, marriages, and places of residence. It also emphasizes their roles in the development of their respective communities, contributing to the growth and prosperity of Pocahontas County. The accounts of their lives offer valuable insights into the experiences and challenges of the pioneering families who shaped the history of the region.

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