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Friday, May 17, 2024

Song Prompts

Lyrical Prompts:

    Emotions: Write a song about a specific emotion, like joy, sadness, anger, or hope.
    Object: Choose an everyday object and write a song about its story or significance.
    Dialogue: Write a song as a conversation between two people.
    News Headline: Pick a recent news headline and write a song inspired by it.
    Unspoken Words: Write a song about things left unsaid in a relationship.
    Alternate Reality: Imagine a world different from ours and write a song set in that world.

Genre Prompts:

    Love Song (with a twist): Write a love song but don't use the word "love."
    Protest Song: Choose a cause you care about and write a song to raise awareness.
    Children's Song: Write a song with a positive message for kids.
    Lullaby: Craft a calming song to lull someone to sleep.
    Rewrite a Classic: Choose a famous song and rewrite it in a different genre.

Creative Prompts:

    Freewrite: Set a timer and write continuously for a few minutes, then use what you wrote as a launching point for a song.
    First Line: Pick a random line and build a song around it.
    Sensory Overload: Write a song that vividly describes a particular sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch.
    Found Poetry: Cut words out of a newspaper or magazine and use them to write a song.
    One Instrument: Write a song using only sounds from a single instrument (real or virtual).

These are just a few ideas to get you started.  The most important thing is to find a prompt that sparks your creativity and have fun with it!


 Deeper Dives:

    Character Prompts: Write a song from the perspective of a historical figure, a fictional character, or even an inanimate object.
    Object + Emotion: Combine an object with an emotion to create an unexpected story. (Ex: A forgotten toy box filled with joy, a rusty swing set dripping with loneliness)
    Song in Parts: Write a song with multiple sections, each in a different musical style or time signature, to represent different parts of a journey or story.
    Sensory Journey: Write a song that takes the listener on a journey through the five senses, describing each location or experience in detail.
    Found Sounds: Record snippets of sounds from your environment (traffic, nature, conversations) and incorporate them into your song.

Collaborative Prompts:

    Write a Duet: Come up with a concept for a song and have a friend write lyrics for one part while you write for the other.
    Exquisite Corpse Song: With a friend or group, write the song one line or verse at a time, building off of each other's ideas without revealing the full concept beforehand.
    Genre Mashup: Combine two contrasting genres (like pop and metal) and write a song that blends their elements.

Unexpected Prompts:

    Reimagine a Dream: Write a song based on a vivid dream you've had.
    Historical Event: Choose a historical event and write a song from the perspective of someone who witnessed it.
    Myth Retold: Take a classic myth or folktale and write a song that retells it from a new perspective.
    One-Word Title: Pick a single word as your title and build a song around its various interpretations.
    Abstract Concept: Write a song about an abstract concept, like time, freedom, or hope.

Remember, these are just springboards! Feel free to modify or combine prompts to create something unique.


Off the Beaten Path Prompts:

    Sensory Deprivation: Write a song from the perspective of someone experiencing a lack of one or more senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).
    Limited Vocabulary: Write a song using only a specific set of words (e.g., only rhyming words, only words with a certain number of syllables).
    Reverse Time: Write a song that tells a story in reverse chronological order.
    AI Love Song: Imagine a world where humans fall in love with AI companions, write a song about that relationship.
    Color Palette Song: Choose a specific color palette and use it to inspire the mood, imagery, and even instrumentation of your song.

Lyrically Challenging Prompts:

    Homophones: Write a song that plays on the double meaning of homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings).
    Figurative Language Frenzy: Pack your lyrics with metaphors, similes, personification, and other figures of speech.
    Oxymorons & Paradoxes: Write a song filled with oxymorons (seemingly contradictory phrases) and paradoxes (statements that seem self-contradictory but may be true).
    Unreliable Narrator: Write a song from the perspective of an unreliable narrator, where the truth is hidden or distorted.
    One Rhyme Scheme: Challenge yourself to write an entire song using only one rhyme scheme throughout.

Gear Up Prompts:

    Unfamiliar Instrument: If you're a guitarist, try writing a song primarily on the piano. Explore new sounds and textures.
    Time Signature Twist: Step outside your comfort zone and write a song in a complex or unusual time signature.
    Limited Chords: Challenge yourself to write a song using only a handful of chords (think power chords in punk music).
    Found Footage Remix: Find a piece of old audio or video footage and use it as the basis for a new song.
    Genre Bend: Start with a song in one genre and gradually morph it into a completely different genre by the end.

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