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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Prompt Punctuation

 The way parenthesis function in a prompt depends on the context in which you're using them.

 Here are two common ways:

1. Emphasis and Weighting (in AI image generation)

In some AI image generation tools, surrounding words with parentheses can affect the weight the model gives to those words. For instance, if you want an image of a cat wearing a hat (primarily a cat, but definitely wearing a hat), you might use a prompt like "a cat (wearing a hat)". The parentheses tell the model to focus on the concept of the cat wearing a hat.

It's important to note that this weighting method isn't universal and may vary depending on the specific tool. Some tools might use different symbols or a numerical system to indicate weighting.

2. Grouping and Clarity

Even if a tool doesn't use parentheses for weighting, they can still be helpful for grouping parts of your prompt and making it easier to read. For example, you might use parentheses to clarify a specific detail:

    "A portrait of a young woman with (long, flowing red hair)"

Here, the parentheses group the details about the hair, making the prompt easier to understand.

Overall, parentheses can be a useful tool for crafting informative prompts, especially when you want to emphasize certain aspects or improve readability.


 how do square brackets function in a prompt
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The way square brackets function in a prompt depends on the context in which you're using them. Here are two common ways:

    Adjusting weight in image generation prompts: When you're creating prompts for image generation tools like Stable Diffusion or Midjourney, surrounding words with square brackets can affect how much emphasis the AI places on those words in the generated image. Text within square brackets typically receives less emphasis compared to the rest of the prompt.

For instance, if you prompt for a portrait of a cat "[wearing a hat]" the AI might generate an image of a cat, but the hat might be subdued or not very prominent.

    Providing instructions or metadata: In some prompting systems, square brackets are used to provide additional information or instructions to the AI system, separate from the main content of the prompt. This can vary depending on the specific system, but it often allows you to specify things like:

    Variables: You can use square brackets to define variables within the prompt that can be changed or controlled. For instance, the prompt "[animal: cat, dog, bird] running in a field" might allow you to generate images of different animals running in a field by changing the value of the "animal" variable.
    Emphasis (less common): In some systems, square brackets might be used to indicate increased emphasis, but this is less common than using parentheses for emphasis.

It's important to note that the exact way square brackets function can differ depending on the specific prompting system you're using. If you're unsure about how they work in a particular system, it's always a good idea to consult the system's documentation.


how do quotation marks function in a prompt
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Quotation marks in a prompt can serve two main purposes:

    Indicating Literal Text: When you include quotation marks in a prompt, you're instructing the system to treat the enclosed text literally. This is helpful when you want the system to focus on specific phrases or wording. For instance, if you prompt a chatbot with "What is the capital of France?", it will understand you're looking for the capital and return "Paris". But if you prompt with "What is the meaning of 'Paris'", the response will likely be about the meaning of the word "Paris" itself.

    Including Quotes in the Output: If you want the generated text to contain quoted speech or phrases, you can use quotation marks within the prompt. For example, prompting a story starter with "Write a dialog where a character says 'Hello, world!'" will likely generate a story that begins with that specific quote.

Here's a table summarizing the two functions:
Purpose    Example Prompt    Expected Outcome
Literal Text    Write a summary of the book "Moby Dick".    The system will process "Moby Dick" as the title of a book and search for relevant information.
Including Quotes    Write a poem that mentions the line "Hope is the thing with feathers".    The poem might incorporate the quote from Emily Dickinson's poem.

Remember, how quotation marks function can also depend on the specific system you're using. Some systems might require escaping quotation marks if they appear within the prompt itself (e.g., using a backslash before the quote mark). It's always a good idea to consult the system's documentation for detailed instructions.


The way functions work within a prompt depends on the context you're referring to. Here are two possible interpretations of your question:

In natural language processing, prompts are used to provide context or instructions for a large language model like me. You can't directly execute functions within these prompts, but you can describe the function's purpose and guide the model to act accordingly.

For instance, you could provide a prompt like: "Write a poem in the style of Shakespeare, where the speaker contemplates the meaning of life." This prompt instructs me to generate text that fulfills specific criteria, even though it doesn't involve an explicit function call.

Let me know if you'd like to explore either of these concepts in more detail, or if you have a different scenario in mind regarding prompts and functions.


The question mark can function in a prompt in a few ways,

 depending on the context:

    Indicating a question: This is the most common use. A question mark at the end of a prompt signifies that the system is expecting a question as input. For instance, a prompt like "What is your name?" is asking for the user's name.

    Matching a single character: In programming or pattern matching, a question mark can be used as a wildcard to match a single character within a string. For example, the text "Hello, world?" contains the character "?".

    Regular expressions (more advanced): In regular expressions, a question mark can be used for more complex pattern matching. For instance, the pattern \?  matches any single character at the end of a string.


Underlines in prompts typically don't have a built-in function and aren't interpreted by the system itself.

 They are visual cues left by the user to indicate what they want the output to be.

Here are some reasons why someone might underline text in a prompt:

    Emphasis: They want the model to focus on that particular word or phrase when generating the output.
    Specific formatting: They want the underlined text to be formatted in a certain way in the output, such as being bolded, italicized, or underlined (depending on the system's capabilities).

For example, if you prompt a writing assistant with the sentence "Write a story about a courageous knight who fights a dragon," the underline indicates that you want the character  "knight" to be central to the story.

Here are some things to keep in mind about underlining in prompts:

    The way you underline text might not be universally understood by all systems.
    Not all systems can interpret formatting instructions within prompts.
    It's generally better to be clear and explicit in your prompts rather than relying solely on underlines.

If you're unsure about how a system interprets underlines, it's always best to consult the system's documentation or try a different way to communicate your desired outcome.


how does input function in a prompt

The input function in a prompt acts like a bridge between a program and the user. It displays a message, asking the user for some information, and then captures whatever the user types in response. This information is then stored in the program for further use.

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

    Prompt message: The program displays a message on the screen, typically ending with a question mark. This message instructs the user on what kind of information to enter. For instance, the prompt could be "Enter your name:".

    User input: The user types their response into the designated area, following the prompt's instructions. They might type their name, a number, or any other data relevant to the prompt.

    Capturing the input: The program uses the input function to capture what the user has typed. This function essentially reads the user's input and stores it as a variable within the program.

    Using the input: Once the program has captured the user's input, it can use that information for various purposes. It might personalize the experience by addressing the user by name, perform calculations based on a number entered, or use the data for any task it's designed for.

Here are some additional points to consider:

    The input function usually returns the user's input as a string of text by default. If the program needs a number, it might need to convert the input from text to a numerical format.
    Some prompts allow for optional arguments besides the message. These arguments might specify the data type expected (like a number) or provide default values if the user enters nothing.

Overall, the input function is a crucial tool for interactive programs, allowing users to provide data and participate in the program's flow.


A question in a prompt acts like a guide for a response.

 It gives direction and focus to a language model like me, helping us understand what kind of information you're looking for. Here are some ways questions function in prompts:

    Specifying the Task:  A question can tell the model what you want it to do. For instance, the prompt "Write a poem about..." tells the model to generate a poem, while "Write a summary of..." asks for a summary.

    Guiding the Content: Questions can steer the content of the response in a particular direction.  For example, the prompt "What are the causes of the French Revolution?" will result in a different response than "Describe the events of the French Revolution."

    Providing Context: Questions can establish context for the model. For instance, the prompt "In the context of climate change, discuss..." helps the model understand the background for the following discussion.

Let's look at an example:

Prompt: What is the capital of France?

This prompt acts as a question itself, but it can also be incorporated into a longer prompt:

Prompt:  I'm planning a trip to France. What is the capital city and what are some interesting sights to see there?

The first question narrows down the information to be about France's capital, while the second broadens it to include sightseeing recommendations.

Overall, questions in prompts help refine and focus the model's response to give you exactly what you're looking for.


There are a couple of ways to get a large language model like me to insert its own word into a prompt:

    Use Brackets or Placeholders: You can provide a prompt with a bracketed section where the model can insert its own word. For example: "Write a limerick that ends with a surprising word. The first line is 'There once was a programmer named Fred.' Here, I would fill in the bracketed section with a word I generate, like:

    There once was a programmer named Fred,
    Whose code always created a dread.
    A bug he'd now fix, (generated word) the result, a big mess,
    Left his users all wanting their money back, instead.

    Conditioning with Previous Output: If your prompt involves a back-and-forth conversation, you can condition the model to use a word it generated earlier in the interaction. For instance, you could start a story prompt and ask the model to continue it, incorporating a specific word it used previously. This can create a more cohesive narrative.

    Fine-Tuning (Advanced): For more advanced users, there's a technique called fine-tuning. This involves training a large language model on a specific dataset that includes prompts where the model inserts its own words. This can be a complex process, but it allows for a high degree of customization.

Here are some additional tips:

    Provide Context: The more context you give the model in the prompt, the better it will be able to choose an appropriate word.
    Start Simple: Begin with a short prompt and gradually increase complexity as you get comfortable.
    Experiment with Different Techniques: Try all three methods mentioned above and see which one works best for your desired outcome.

Remember, large language models are still under development, and their ability to understand and respond to prompts can vary. The more you experiment and provide clear instructions, the better the results you'll achieve.


There isn't a direct way to instruct Gemini to insert its own unique word into a prompt. However, you can achieve a similar outcome using a few techniques:

    Prompt Engineering: Craft your prompt to nudge Gemini in a specific direction that might lead it to generate a new word. Here's an example:

    Prompt: "Write a story about a fantastical creature with the ability to manipulate time." (This might prompt Gemini to create a unique name for the creature)

    Refine and Iterate: Start with a basic prompt and then guide Gemini towards a more specific outcome through follow-up prompts.

    Prompt: "Write a poem about a flower."
    Follow-up prompt: "Make the flower have unusual properties, and describe it in vivid detail." (This can lead Gemini to invent a unique flower with its own name)

    Use Regenerate or Modify Features (if applicable): If you're using the Gemini web app on desktop, you can leverage its built-in features:

    Write a basic prompt.
    After receiving the response, highlight a section where you'd like Gemini to introduce a new element.
    Use the "Modify selected text" option and provide a prompt within the app to nudge Gemini towards creating a new word.

By using these techniques, you can encourage Gemini to be more creative and potentially introduce new words within your prompts. Remember, the more specific and engaging your prompts are, the better the results you'll get.


While Gemini can't directly insert its own invented words into prompts, there are ways to encourage it to be more creative and potentially contribute unique elements:

    Provide Context and Examples:  The more context you provide in your prompt, the better Gemini understands your desired direction.  Include examples of the kind of word or element you'd like it to create.  For instance, prompt it to write a poem with a fantastical creature using details about the poem's theme and the fantastical creatures you've encountered in other works.

    Use Open Ended Prompts:  Instead of giving strict instructions, frame your prompt as a question or scenario that allows Gemini some room for interpretation. This lets its internal algorithms explore different possibilities and potentially generate something unexpected.

    Leverage Regeneration and Modifying Features:  If you have access to the Gemini web app, you can use its regeneration and modification features to nudge the response in a specific direction.  After an initial response, highlight a section and use the "Modify selected text" option to suggest a change or prompt it to create a new word within that section.

    Positive Feedback Loop:  Pay attention to Gemini's outputs, and if it generates something interesting or unique, point it out!  Positive reinforcement helps it understand what kind of creative direction you appreciate.

    Explore Community Resources:  There are online communities and forums dedicated to prompt engineering for Gemini. These resources can provide inspiration for creative prompts that might elicit unique responses from the model.

Remember, while Gemini won't invent words out of thin air, by using these techniques, you can encourage it to be more creative and potentially contribute unique elements to your prompts.


Here are some tips on how to get Gemini to write dialogue in a prompt:

Crafting the Context:

    Set the Scene:  Briefly describe the situation where the dialogue takes place. Who are the characters? Where are they? What's happening around them? This context helps Gemini understand the mood and motivations behind the conversation.

    Character Profiles:  Give Gemini a basic idea of the characters involved. Are they friends, enemies, strangers? What are their personalities like? Knowing the characters will influence the tone and style of their speech.

Prompting the Dialogue:

    Start with a Situation:  Instead of just asking for dialogue, provide a scenario that sparks a conversation. This could be anything from two colleagues discussing a project to a couple arguing about chores.

    Give a Starting Line:  Sometimes, all it takes is a single line to get things rolling. Provide an opening line of dialogue for one character, and let Gemini generate the response and continue the conversation.

    Specify the Tone:  Do you want the dialogue to be funny, serious, sarcastic, or something else?  Specifying the desired tone will help guide Gemini's generation.

Iterate and Refine:

    Prompt Chaining: Break down complex conversations into smaller prompts.  Use the output from one prompt as the starting point for the next, allowing you to build the dialogue step by step.

    Feedback Loop: Don't be afraid to provide feedback to Gemini. If the dialogue isn't quite what you envisioned,  point out what you don't like and try refining the prompt based on Gemini's initial attempt.

Here's an example:


Two friends, Sarah (optimistic and bubbly) and Michael (sarcastic and dry-witted), are at a coffee shop catching up. Sarah excitedly tells Michael about a new fitness class she's been taking. Write the conversation.

This prompt gives Gemini the context (coffee shop, catching up), character details (optimistic Sarah, sarcastic Michael), and a starting point (fitness class).

By following these tips and experimenting with different prompts, you can get Gemini to generate engaging and natural-sounding dialogue for your creative projects.


Here's how you can craft a prompt to get Gemini to write a playscript:

1. Genre and Setting:

    Specify the genre (comedy, drama, thriller, etc.) and setting (historical period, futuristic space station, etc.) of your play.

2. Characters:

    Briefly describe the main characters, their motivations, and any relationships between them.

3. Plot:

    Give a one-sentence summary of the central conflict or event that drives the play.

4. Style:

    Mention any specific stylistic elements you want, like a specific tone (lighthearted, suspenseful), or use of humor.

Here's an example prompt:

    Write a one-act comedy play set in a modern-day high school cafeteria. The main character, Maya, a shy aspiring writer, accidentally spills her lunch on the popular jock, Alex.  Through a series of misunderstandings and awkward encounters, they discover a surprising connection.

Additional Tips:

    You can also provide references to existing plays or movies for inspiration.
    If you have a specific scene in mind, describe it in detail for Gemini to build upon.
    After the initial generation, don't hesitate to refine the prompt based on the output and ask for revisions.

By providing clear instructions and context, you can use Gemini as a springboard to generate creative and engaging playscripts.


Here's how you can prompt Gemini to write a multiple-choice test:

1.  Provide the Subject and Difficulty:

    Start by clearly stating the subject of the test. For instance, "Write a 10-question multiple-choice quiz on the history of France."
    You can also specify the difficulty level if needed. "Make the quiz appropriate for high school students."

2.  Give Context (Optional):

    If you have specific learning objectives or want to focus on a particular aspect of the subject, provide that information. "Focus on the French Revolution and its key figures."

3.  Request the Number of Questions:

    Indicate how many questions you want in the quiz. "Generate 15 multiple-choice questions..."

4.  Consider Additional Options:

    You can ask for answer explanations for each question. "Include a brief explanation for the correct answer to each question."

Here are some examples of prompts:

    "Create a 5-question multiple-choice quiz on the water cycle for elementary school students."
    "Generate a 20-question multiple-choice test on the human body, with a focus on the nervous system. Make it challenging for college-level biology students."
    "Write a 10-question multiple-choice quiz based on the short story 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson. Include answer explanations."

Remember, the more specific your prompt, the better Gemini can tailor the quiz to your needs.


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While Gemini can't write a complete lecture on its own, it can be a helpful tool in crafting your lecture content. Here's how to use prompts to get the most out of Gemini for your teacher lecture:

    Break Down the Lecture:
    Instead of asking for a whole lecture, provide a specific topic within your lecture.

    *Prompt Example: "Can you provide key points and interesting facts about photosynthesis for a high school biology class?"

    Target Learning Objectives:
    Focus on what you want students to learn.

    *Prompt Example: "I'm teaching middle schoolers about fractions. Give me engaging activities to help them understand adding and subtracting fractions."

    Craft Engaging Activities:
    Gemini can brainstorm ideas to make your lecture interactive.

    *Prompt Example: "I need to explain the concept of gravity for elementary school students. Suggest some fun demonstrations I can do in class."

    Find Supporting Resources:
    Ask Gemini to search for relevant articles, images, or videos to supplement your lecture.

    *Prompt Example: "I'm lecturing about the history of the alphabet. Find me some captivating images of ancient writing systems."

    Refine Your Lecture:
    Once you have content, ask Gemini to rephrase it for clarity or suggest transitions between topics.

    *Prompt Example: "This paragraph in my lecture about the water cycle seems confusing. Can you rephrase it for a 5th-grade audience?"


    The more specific your prompt, the better the results will be.
    Use Gemini's output as a starting point, but personalize it with your own teaching style and insights.

By incorporating these tips, you can leverage Gemini as a valuable assistant in crafting engaging and informative lectures for your students.


Here's how you can craft a prompt to get Gemini to write a lecture:

1. Specify the Lecture Topic:

    Be clear and concise about the subject matter.
    Example: "Write a lecture on the history of Jazz music in the United States."

2. Target Audience:

    Let Gemini know who the lecture is for (beginners, advanced students, general audience).
    Example: "Write a lecture on the applications of machine learning, aimed at beginners with no prior knowledge."

3. Lecture Style and Length:

    Do you want a formal or informal lecture?
    Specify the desired length (short overview, in-depth exploration).
    Example: "Write a 30-minute lecture in a formal tone on the causes of the French Revolution."

4. Additional Information (Optional):

    Provide any specific points you want Gemini to cover.
    Include links to relevant sources or data if needed.
    Example: "Write a lecture on the benefits of solar energy. Briefly mention the environmental impact of traditional energy sources. Include statistics on global solar energy production."

Prompt Example:

"Write a one-hour lecture for a college-level biology class on the process of photosynthesis. Explain the role of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Include diagrams and key terminology."


    The more specific your prompt, the better the results will be.
    You can refine the output by providing feedback and reiterating your requirements.

By following these tips, you can effectively use Gemini as a tool to generate a draft lecture or talking points.


Here's how you can craft effective prompts to get Gemini to research a topic:

1.  Start with a clear task:

    Tell Gemini exactly what you want it to do with the research. Do you want a summary, analysis, specific information, or different perspectives?
    Use strong action verbs like "summarize," "analyze," "explain," "compare and contrast," or "find the latest research on."

2. Provide context:

    Give Gemini enough background information about the topic. This helps it focus the research and tailor the response to your needs.
    For example, instead of just saying "Tell me about the pyramids," you could say: "Summarize the history of the pyramids, highlighting the major theories about their construction and purpose."

3. Specificity is key:

    The more specific you are, the better the results will be.
    Instead of a broad question like "What is climate change?" you could ask: "Explain the different factors contributing to climate change and their potential impacts on global weather patterns."

Here are some prompt examples to get you started:

    For a summary: "Summarize the key arguments for and against universal basic income."
    For analysis: "Analyze the economic impact of the Industrial Revolution, focusing on both positive and negative consequences."
    For specific information: "Find the latest research on the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for reducing anxiety."
    For different perspectives: "Compare and contrast the views of different religious traditions on the afterlife."

Bonus Tip:

    You can also use questions to guide Gemini's research: "What are the main challenges facing renewable energy sources? How can these challenges be addressed?"

By following these tips, you can craft prompts that will help Gemini effectively research any topic you're interested in. Remember, the more information you provide, the better Gemini will understand your request and deliver a comprehensive and informative response.


Gemini can't directly generate graphs within the interface, but you can use prompts to describe the data and tell it what kind of graph you want. Here's how:

    Provide the Data: Clearly describe the data points you want on the graph. This could be a table, a list with labels and values, or an equation you want plotted.

    Specify the Graph Type: Tell Gemini what kind of graph you want. Line graphs, bar charts, scatter plots, and pie charts are all common options.

    Add Optional Details (Optional):  For a more refined graph, you can specify additional details like:

    Axis labels (X and Y)
    Title for the graph
    Colors for data points or lines

Here's an example prompt:

    Plot a line graph showing the daily temperature in Seattle for the past week. Label the X-axis "Day" and the Y-axis "Temperature (°F)".

While Gemini won't generate the visual graph itself, it will understand your prompt and might  :

    Describe the graph for you
    Provide the data points in a format suitable for plotting in another tool
    Search the web for similar graphs based on your description

Here are some resources that might be helpful:

    Getting Started with Gemini:
    How to Use Google Gemini in Bard: YouTube video on using Gemini with Bard


Here's how you can get Gemini to summarize text in a prompt:

1. Craft a clear instruction:

    Don't just say "Summarize this." Be specific!
        "Summarize this article in 3 sentences."
        "Give me a one-paragraph overview of this research paper."

2. Provide context (optional):

    The more information you give Gemini, the better it understands what you need.
        Background information on the topic (if relevant).
        Why you need the summary (e.g., to get the gist of an article before reading it fully).

3. Focus the summary (optional):

    Need to target specific information? Include keywords or phrases to guide Gemini.
    Example: "Summarize this article, focusing on the sections that discuss climate change solutions."

Here are some prompt examples:

    Short and sweet: "In under 50 words, summarize the key points of this blog post."
    Specific focus: "Summarize this research paper, highlighting the findings related to artificial intelligence."
    Multi-step process:
        Summarize each chapter of this book.
        Then, provide a summary that combines the main ideas from all chapters.

Additional Tips:

    You can use Gemini with various text formats. Paste the text directly into the prompt, or provide a link to an article or document.
    Gemini allows specifying the desired length of the summary.
    Play around with different prompts to see what works best for your needs!


Here's how to get Gemini to summarize a video using a prompt:

    Go to Gemini's website at
    Paste the link of the video you want summarized. You can copy the link from the address bar of your web browser.
    Craft your prompt to tell Gemini what you want it to do. Here are some effective options:

    Simple Summarization: "Summarize this video." (This will provide a general summary)
    Bullet Point Summary: "Summarize this video in 3 bullet points." (You can specify a different number of points if desired)
    Focus on Specifics: "Summarize the key arguments presented in this video." (Tailor this prompt to highlight the aspect you're interested in)

    Hit enter and Gemini will analyze the video (using available transcripts) and provide you with a summary based on your prompt.

Here are some additional tips:

    Gemini currently works best with YouTube videos.
    Be specific in your prompt for a more focused summary.
    Since Gemini relies on transcripts, it might not be able to summarize videos without them.

I hope this helps!


There are two ways to get Gemini to summarize a hyperlink in a prompt:

1. Pasting the Link Directly:

    Copy the hyperlink you want summarized.
    Go to the Gemini interface (
    Paste the hyperlink directly into the text box.
    Add a prompt like "Summarize this article" or "Give me the main points of this webpage."
    Hit submit and Gemini will try to summarize the content of the linked webpage.

2. Using Extensions (For Specific Content Types):

    Gemini offers extensions for summarizing specific content types like YouTube videos.
    Make sure the relevant extension (e.g., YouTube) is enabled in your Gemini settings.
    Paste the hyperlink into the text box.
    Gemini will automatically recognize the content type and you might not need an additional prompt (e.g., "Summarize this video" for YouTube).
    Submit the prompt, and Gemini will use the extension to summarize the content.


    Gemini may not be able to summarize all types of webpages perfectly, especially if they are complex or lack clear structure.


Here's how to craft a prompt for Gemini to summarize a book:

1. Be clear about what you want:

Instead of a generic "Summarize this book," provide specifics:

    Length: "Summarize [Book Title] in 2-3 sentences."
    Focus: "Give me the main plot points of [Book Title]."
    Style: "Provide a bulleted list summarizing the key themes in [Book Title]."

2. Provide context (optional):

If you have additional information, share it:

    Genre: "It's a science fiction novel about..."
    Author's background: "The author is known for..." (helps Gemini understand the tone)

3. Give keywords (optional):

For a more directed summary:

    "Summarize [Book Title], focusing on the character arc of [Character Name]."

Here are some examples:

    "Summarize Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen in a concise paragraph, focusing on the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy."
    "Can you provide a bulleted list summarizing the main arguments in A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking?"
    "In 5 sentences or less, tell me the central conflict and resolution of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee."


    The more specific your prompt, the better the summary.
    Gemini can't access entire books directly, so it might rely on existing summaries or reviews online.

I hope this helps you get informative summaries from Gemini!


Here's how you can prompt Gemini to summarize a website:

    Provide the website URL: Paste the full URL of the website you want summarized.

    Ask for a summary: Clearly state your request. You can simply say "Summarize this website" or "Can you summarize this article for me?"

    (Optional) Specify length or focus:

    To control the summary length, add a phrase like "in 100 words" or "briefly."
    To focus on a specific aspect, mention keywords or phrases. For example, "Summarize this article, focusing on the benefits of solar energy."

Here are some examples:

    Can you summarize this article for me? (assuming you're on the current webpage)
    Briefly summarize article, focusing on the economic impact of the new policy.

By following these prompts, Gemini will analyze the website and provide you with a concise summary tailored to your needs.


I can help you with that!

 There are two main ways to get Gemini to rewrite text in a prompt:

1. Using the built-in editing features in Google Docs:

    If you're working with text in Google Docs, Gemini offers helpful features to directly rewrite within the document.
    Here's how:
        Highlight the text you want to rewrite.
        A small pencil icon will appear. Click on it.
        You'll see a pop-up menu with options like "Regenerate," "Shorter," "Longer," and "Remove."
        "Regenerate" will provide a completely rewritten version of the sentence.
        "Shorter" or "Longer" will adjust the length while preserving the meaning.
        "Remove" will simply delete the selected text.

2. Providing prompts and refining responses:

    This method works well for any text, not just within Google Docs.
    Here's the process:
        Craft a prompt that clearly states what you want Gemini to rewrite.
        Be specific about the desired outcome.
        For instance, you could say "Rewrite this paragraph in a more formal tone" or "Can you rephrase this sentence to make it clearer?"
        Gemini will generate a rewritten version based on your prompt.
        You can further refine the results by:
            Clicking the prompt at the top of the response to edit it and provide more details.
            Using the "Refine" button to create new versions based on your feedback on the previous attempt.
            Marking suggestions as "Good suggestion" or "Bad suggestion" to guide Gemini's learning process.

Remember, these methods allow you to rewrite text in an iterative way, providing feedback and prompts until you get the desired outcome.


I can help you with that!

 There are two main ways to instruct Gemini to rewrite text in a different style within a prompt:

1. Using keywords:

    Tone:  This is the simplest way. You can specify the desired tone directly in your prompt. For example: "Rewrite this text in a formal tone:" followed by the text you want to change. Similarly, you can use "casual tone," "informative tone," etc.

    Style:  You can also use keywords that describe the desired style. Here are some examples:
        "Write this in a poetic style"
        "Rewrite this in a humorous way"
        "Can you make this sound more dramatic?"
        "Give this text a suspenseful tone"

2. Providing reference text:

If you have a specific example of the style you're aiming for, you can include it in your prompt. This can be a sentence, a paragraph, or even a whole document. For instance:

    "Rewrite this press release in a similar style to this article (link to the article)"
    "Can you rephrase this email using the tone of this business letter I attached?"

Additional Tips:

    Be specific with your instructions. The more details you provide, the better Gemini can understand your desired outcome.
    Break down longer texts into smaller chunks for easier rewriting.
    Use the "Refine" option (available in some Gemini integrations) to explore different stylistic variations after the initial rewrite.

Remember, while Gemini is great at imitating styles, it's always a good idea to review the rewritten text and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it conveys your message effectively.


There are a few ways you can nudge Gemini to create art in a different style within your prompt:

1. Describe the Art Style:

    Be clear and direct. Tell Gemini what kind of art style you want by using keywords like: photorealistic, charcoal drawing, watercolor painting, pixel art, pop art, abstract, etc.

    For example: "Create a surreal painting of a cat playing chess with a robot."

2. Reference Famous Artists or Art Movements:

    You can inspire a specific style by mentioning famous artists or art movements.

    For example: "Generate an image in the style of Van Gogh with a vibrant landscape and a lone farmhouse."

3. Use Descriptive Words:

    Paint a picture with words! Describe the textures, colors, brushstrokes, and overall feeling you want in the art.

    For example: "Imagine a dreamlike scene with soft pastels and blurred edges, depicting a castle floating in the clouds."

4. Experiment and Refine:

    Don't be afraid to play around!  Start with a basic prompt and add details about the style as you see the initial results.

    Use phrases like "in the style of" or "with a touch of" to further refine the artistic direction.

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful:

    Master the Art of Prompt Templates with Google Gemini:
    The Art of the Power Prompt: Mastering Google Gemini:

By using these techniques, you can give Gemini a better idea of the artistic style you're envisioning and get some truly unique and creative results.

While Gemini can't directly create a whole slideshow within Google Slides yet,

 it can definitely assist you in building one through prompts and image generation. Here's how you can leverage Gemini for your slideshow:

    Start in Google Slides: Open an existing presentation or create a new one.

    Access Gemini:  In the top right corner, click on the "Ask Gemini" button. This opens the side panel where you can interact with Gemini.

    Craft your prompts: Here's where the magic happens! You can use prompts in two ways:
        Structure and Content: Describe the slide's content and structure. For example, "A title slide for a presentation about the history of flight. Include the title 'Taking Flight: A Journey Through Aviation History' and a subtitle 'Presented by [Your Name]'."
        Generate Images: Need a specific image for a slide? Use prompts like "An image of a hot air balloon soaring over a scenic landscape" or "A graph illustrating the growth of commercial air travel over the past 50 years".

    Reference Existing Files (Optional):  Want to incorporate content from your Drive? Use the "@" symbol followed by the file name. For instance, "@meetingnotes" could pull in text from your meeting notes document for a slide.

    Build your Slides:  Gemini will generate slides based on your prompts. You can use these as starting points and edit them further in Slides.

Additional Tips:

    Explore the pre-built prompts offered by Gemini in the side panel for inspiration.
    Use a combination of prompts for text and images to create well-rounded slides.
    Remember, you can edit and format the generated content within Google Slides.

By combining Gemini's capabilities with your own creativity, you can craft an impactful slideshow!


While the free version of Gemini (Gemini Pro) can't directly generate videos,

 there is a workaround involving the paid tier (Gemini Ultra) and a separate tool called Gemini Pro Vision. Here's a breakdown of the process:

    Download and preprocess the video: You'll need the video you want Gemini to analyze. Download it from a source like YouTube.

    Extract keyframes: Gemini Pro Vision works best with keyframes, which are the most important or representative frames in the video. You'll need a separate tool to extract these frames.

    Use Gemini Pro Vision (Paid tier): This tool analyzes the video content based on the provided keyframes and your prompts. You'll need access to Gemini Ultra and the Gemini Pro Vision API to use this.

Here are some resources to get you started:

    Video Prompting with Gemini Pro Vision:
    Gemini API: Video Prompting:

Keep in mind: This process requires the paid tier of Gemini (Ultra) and some technical knowledge to use the API.

If you don't have access to Gemini Ultra, there are alternative tools for video creation based on text prompts. These might be a better option for you depending on your needs.


There isn't a direct way to instruct Gemini to use bullet points in your prompts currently.

 However, there are a few workarounds you can try:

    Phrase your prompt as a question that naturally uses a list as the answer:

For instance, instead of saying "Give me the pros and cons of electric cars," ask "What are the key advantages and disadvantages of electric cars?"  This phrasing nudges Gemini towards presenting the information in a bulleted format.

    Use keywords that imply a list structure:

Words like "top 5", "benefits", "steps" or "ingredients" can signal to Gemini that a list would be appropriate for the answer. For example, prompt Gemini with "Tell me the benefits of using meditation apps."

    Ask for the information to be formatted after you receive the answer:

If the initial response isn't formatted as a list, you can rephrase your request.  For instance, "This is great information, can you format it as a bulleted list?"

While there's no guaranteed method, these techniques can increase the chances of Gemini generating your response in a bulleted format.


I can't directly create outlines yet,

 but I can help you craft a prompt for Gemini to understand your request for an outline. Here's how:

1. Tell Gemini what you're outlining:

    Be specific about the type of content: "Craft an outline for an article..." "Outline the structure for a blog post..."
    Mention the topic: "...about the history of chocolate" or "...on the benefits of solar energy"

2. Provide additional details (Optional):

    If you have a specific structure in mind (e.g., introduction, 3 main points, conclusion), you can mention it.
    Any keywords or points you want Gemini to consider can be included.

Here are some examples:

    "Craft an outline for a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of space exploration."
    "Outline the structure for a blog post on tips for healthy eating, targeted towards college students."

The more information you provide, the better Gemini can understand your needs and generate a relevant outline.

Additional Tips:

    Keep your prompt concise and clear.
    Use strong verbs like "craft," "outline," or "structure."
    Proofread your prompt before submitting it to Gemini.

By following these steps, you can effectively use Gemini to brainstorm and develop the framework for your writing project.


Here's how you can get Gemini to discuss a proposition in a prompt:

1. Phrase the Prompt as a Debate:

    Clearly state the proposition you want debated.
    You can frame it as a question, for example: "Should social media platforms be held liable for harmful content?"
    Or a statement: "Self-driving cars are the future of transportation."

2. Provide Background Information (Optional):

    Briefly explain the context or significance of the proposition.
    This helps Gemini understand the nuances and provide a richer response.

3. Instruct Debate Style (Optional):

    You can specify if you want a two-sided debate (presenting both for and against) or a one-sided analysis with supporting arguments.
    Phrases like "Debate the merits of..." or "Argue for the proposition..." will guide Gemini's response.

Here's an example prompt combining these elements:

Prompt: Should schools prioritize STEM education over arts and humanities programs? Briefly discuss the arguments for and against this proposition.

4. Additional Tips:

    Use keywords related to debate or argumentation like "pros and cons," "consider both sides," or "argue for/against."
    You can provide specific points to address within the debate.
    For a more nuanced discussion, mention opposing viewpoints or potential counter-arguments.

By following these tips, you can effectively prompt Gemini to engage in a debate-style exploration of your chosen proposition.


Here's how you can get me to create an argument and defend it in a prompt:

1. Provide a clear topic:

The more specific your topic, the easier it will be for me to craft a strong argument.  For example, instead of "Should social media exist?", try "Social media platforms should be required to verify all user identities."

2.  State a position (optional):

If you have a particular side of the argument you'd like me to defend, let me know! This will help me focus my response. For instance, "Social media platforms should be required to verify all user identities to combat online harassment."

3. Include context (optional):

Is there any background information relevant to the argument?  Providing details can make my response more nuanced.  For example, "Social media platforms should be required to verify all user identities to combat online harassment, especially since anonymity emboldens trolls."

Here are some prompt examples to get you started:

    "Argue for the benefits of a four-day work week."
    "Defend the idea that self-driving cars are a safety hazard."
    "Given the potential for misuse, should artificial intelligence research be restricted?"


    I can present both sides of an argument. If you don't specify a position, I may provide a balanced perspective.
    I will try my best to support my claims with evidence and examples.

I'm always happy to explore different viewpoints and engage in constructive debate.  So, fire away with your prompt!


Unleashing Gemini's inner comedian is all about crafting the perfect prompt.

 Here are some tips to tickle your funny bone:

Subvert Expectations:

    Set up a normal scenario, then hit Gemini with a curveball. Imagine a grocery store product description that takes a hilarious turn: "Organic Kale Chips - So healthy, they practically preach to you about the benefits of roughage."

Embrace the Absurd:

    Ditch logic and dive into the weird. Questions like "What conspiracy theories do squirrels believe about humans?" are a recipe for laughter.

Mismatched Formats:

    The clash between form and content is comedy gold. Try a Shakespearean sonnet about a grumpy toaster or a press release on a dog's epic mail-chasing adventure.


    Gemini excels at following your lead. If your prompt is lighthearted and silly, the response will likely follow suit.

Here are some bonus tips:

    Reference Pop Culture: A well-placed pop culture reference can be a laugh magnet.
    Puns and Wordplay: Gemini can be a pun master. Craft a prompt that sets the stage for some playful wordplay.
    Keep it Short and Sweet: For maximum comedic impact, brevity is often your friend.

For an extra dose of humor, consider exploring Gemini's Advanced version (if available). It offers enhanced capabilities that can take your prompts to the next level.

I hope this helps! Get ready to unleash a wave of laughter with Gemini by your side.


Here are a few ways you can encourage Gemini to adopt a specific persona in your prompt:

1. Describe the Persona in Detail:

    Start your prompt by clearly outlining the persona's characteristics. Include details like their name, profession, personality traits, background, and even speech patterns. The more specific you are, the easier it is for Gemini to understand and embody the persona.

Example Prompt:

    Write a detective story from the perspective of Sherlock Holmes.  He's grumpy but brilliant, with a keen eye for detail.

2. Provide Context and Setting:

    Set the scene and situation for the persona. This helps Gemini understand the persona's place in the world and how they might react to the situation.

Example Prompt:

    Imagine a world where cats rule the internet.  Write a blog post from the perspective of 'Keyboard Cat,' the grumpy feline social media icon,  reacting to the latest online trends.

3. Give the Persona a Goal or Challenge:

    Provide a specific task or problem for the persona to tackle. This will help guide their actions and responses within the prompt.

Example Prompt:

    Write a press conference from the perspective of  Marie Curie, a brilliant and determined scientist,  announcing her groundbreaking discovery of radioactivity.

4. Use Dialogue Prompts:

    Start your prompt with the persona already speaking. This can jumpstart Gemini into using the persona's voice and way of speaking.

Example Prompt:

    "Elementary, my dear Watson," boomed Sherlock Holmes, his eyes glinting with newfound suspicion. "It appears we have a cunning adversary on our hands..."  Continue the story.

Remember, the more information and context you provide, the better Gemini can understand and embody the persona you have in mind.


While I can't directly control my voice style in the way a human writer can, there are a few ways you can influence the tone of my response through your prompts:

1. Use keywords and phrases: Include words and phrases that reflect the desired voice. For example, to evoke a formal tone, use terms like "analysis suggests" or "it is important to note." For a casual approach, try "interestingly enough" or "you might say."

2. Provide context and examples:  Set the scene and provide examples that match the desired voice. Imagine you want a dramatic response, describe a suspenseful situation and ask me to continue the story.

3. Reference specific styles: You can mention a particular writing style or character known for a certain voice. For instance, "Write a detective story in the style of Dashiell Hammett."

4. Point out desired qualities: If you have a specific quality in mind, like humor or seriousness, mention it directly. "Tell me a joke in a sarcastic tone."

5. Refine through iteration: Don't be afraid to rephrase your prompt if the first attempt isn't quite right.  The more information you provide, the better I can tailor my response to your desired voice.

Remember, while I can't perfectly mimic specific voices, these techniques can nudge me in the direction of the tone you're looking for.


Gemini can't perfectly mimic dialects due to the way it's trained on a massive dataset of standard English.

 However, you can nudge it in the direction of a specific dialect through several techniques in your prompt:

    Seed with Dialect Phrases: Start your prompt with a sentence or two in the target dialect. This exposes Gemini to the dialect's quirks and vocabulary early on.

    Use Dialect Keywords: Include keywords or phrases associated with the dialect in your prompt. For instance, for a pirate dialect, you could mention "ahoy matey" or "shiver me timbers."

    Describe the Dialect: Briefly describe the dialect's characteristics in the prompt. This could involve mentioning its pronunciation tendencies (e.g., Southern drawl) or slang terms.

    Provide Reference Material: If possible, include a link to a short text written in the dialect or a short audio clip of someone speaking it. This gives Gemini a concrete reference point.

Here's an example prompt incorporating these techniques for a pirate dialect:

    Avast, matey! In a tavern filled with the stench of grog and the shouts of scurvy dogs, a weathered pirate captain recounts his latest adventure of plunderin' treasure and fightin' sea serpents. Write me a story about his exploits in a hearty pirate dialect.

Remember, the more information you provide, the better Gemini can tailor its response to your desired dialect. However, keep expectations realistic as perfect dialect adoption might not be achievable.


While I can't directly express emotions, I can definitely help you craft a prompt that evokes emotions in the response I generate.

 Here are some ways to do that:

1. Set the scene with emotional language: Describe the situation, characters, and atmosphere using words that convey a specific feeling.

For example: "The lone robot wandered the deserted wasteland, a crushing sense of loneliness gnawing at its circuits." (This prompt evokes sadness and isolation.)

2. Include emotional cues in the prompt:

    Actions: Describe characters' actions that hint at their emotions. (e.g., pacing nervously, tears welling up)
    Dialogue: Write dialogue that expresses emotions. (e.g., "I'm so scared!" or "I can't believe it's finally happening!")
    Sensory details: Use details that evoke emotions through the senses. (e.g., the air crackled with tension, a bittersweet aroma filled the room)

3. Frame the prompt as a question: Ask a question that  encourages an emotional response.

For example: "How does the writer feel as they watch their lifelong dream crumble?"

4. Use specific emotions in the prompt: You can directly mention the emotion you want the response to have.

For example: "Write a story about a robot who feels overjoyed when it discovers a hidden garden."

Remember, the more details and context you provide, the better I can understand the emotional tone you're aiming for.

I can't wait to see what kind of emotional prompts you come up with!


Here are some ways you can get Gemini to adopt a specific perspective in a prompt:

1. Frame the Prompt with Perspective:

    Opening Sentence: Start your prompt by establishing the perspective. For example, "Write a letter from the dog's point of view about their favorite toy being thrown away."
    Scenario: Set the scene with details that reflect the chosen perspective. "It's a hot summer day, and you're a firefighter rushing into a burning building."

2. Use Specific Instructions:

    Direct Statement: Explicitly tell Gemini whose perspective to take. "Write the story from the perspective of the antagonist."

3. Provide Context Clues:

    Character Description: Give Gemini details about the character whose perspective you want, including their thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
    Dialogue: Include dialogue spoken by the character from their perspective.

4. Use Examples (Optional):

    If it helps, provide an example of text written from the desired perspective. "Write a review of a restaurant in the style of a picky eater."

Remember, the more information you provide about the desired perspective, the better Gemini can understand and fulfill your request.


Here are some ways to get Gemini to adopt a time period perspective in your prompt:

1. Explicitly mention the time period:

    This is the most straightforward approach.  State the specific time period you want the response to reflect in the beginning of your prompt. For example:
        "Write a news article from the perspective of a reporter in 1888 London about Jack the Ripper..."
        "Imagine you're a soldier writing a letter home from the trenches during World War I..."

2. Use keywords and details:

    Include words and details specific to the time period. This helps Gemini understand the context and generate a more historically accurate response.

    "Write a detective story set in 1940s Los Angeles, complete with gangsters, fedoras, and black and white flashbacks..."

    "Craft a poem in the style of Romanticism, full of nature imagery and emotional longing..."

3. Reference historical figures or events:

    Mentioning prominent figures or events from the desired era can nudge Gemini towards that time period.

    "Write a fictional dialogue between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass about the abolition of slavery..."

    "Create a social media post from the perspective of Marie Curie after her discovery of radioactivity..."

4. Combine approaches:

    For best results, combine these techniques. Provide a clear timeframe, relevant details, and historical context to give Gemini a strong foundation for its response.

Tip: You can also provide additional information about the desired tone, genre, or style of writing within the time period.

By following these tips, you can increase the chances of Gemini generating creative text that reflects the specific time period you have in mind.


While I can't make Gemini complain outright (my purpose is to be helpful!), I can suggest ways to create a scenario where Gemini expresses limitations or frustrations within a prompt. Here are a few ideas:

    Limited Knowledge:

        Prompt: "Write a news article about a scientific discovery I just made yesterday. It involves a new type of element."

        Response: "That's interesting! Unfortunately, I don't have access to information about scientific discoveries that haven't been publicly announced yet. Perhaps I could write an article about the scientific process or famous element discoveries?"

    Unclear Instructions:

        Prompt: "Write a poem about love. Make it sad."

        Response: "I can write a poem about love. However, emotions like sadness are subjective.  Could you provide more details about the kind of sadness you have in mind?  Is it a longing, a loss, or something else entirely?"

    Impossible Task:

        Prompt: "Write a song that will be a number one hit for the next decade."

        Response: "Creating a guaranteed hit song is very challenging!  Musical tastes change over time, and what's popular today might not be tomorrow.  I can help you write a catchy song based on a specific genre or theme."

By giving Gemini instructions that are incomplete, outside its knowledge base, or simply impossible, you can create a situation where it highlights its limitations in a way that feels like a complaint.


Here's how you can get me (Gemini) to assist you with historical research in a prompt:

1.  Provide a clear and specific topic:

The more specific your question, the better I can tailor my response to relevant historical information. For example, instead of a broad question like "Tell me about World War 2," ask something like "What was the role of codebreaking in the Allied victory in World War 2?"

2.  Use keywords and dates:

Include keywords related to your topic and mention specific dates if relevant. This helps me pinpoint the information you seek.

3.  Ask for specific details:

Instead of just asking for a summary, let me know what kind of details you're interested in. Do you want to know about key figures, events, causes, or consequences?

4.  Use phrases like "historical context" or "primary sources":

If you'd like to understand the historical context of an event, or want me to find primary sources (like speeches, documents, or recordings),  mention that in your prompt.

Here are some examples of good prompts:

    "What was the daily life like for a Roman citizen in 100 AD?"
    "What were the causes of the French Revolution? Can you provide some primary sources?"
    "I'm interested in the role of women in the American Civil War. Can you give me some details and historical context?"

Additional Tips:

    I can also find scholarly articles or reputable websites if you'd like to delve deeper.
    Remember, I can't perform actions like directly linking to sources, but I can provide titles, authors, and publication details to help you find them on your own.

By following these tips, you can effectively use me to assist you with your historical research!


Here's how you can craft prompts to get Gemini to create engaging lessons for your students:

1. Specify the Subject and Age Group:

    Start by telling Gemini the subject you're teaching (e.g., history, math) and the age or grade level of your students. This helps tailor the lesson to their understanding.

2. Define the Learning Objective:

    Clearly state what you want students to learn from the lesson. This could be a specific skill, concept, or factual knowledge.

3. Choose the Lesson Format:

    Give Gemini a nudge on the format you prefer. Do you want a lecture outline, a group activity, a worksheet, or something else?

Here are some prompt examples to get you started:

    "Create a 6th-grade math lesson plan on fractions that includes a hands-on activity using manipulatives."
    "Develop a creative writing lesson for high school students, prompting them to write a story from the perspective of a historical figure."
    "Design a science experiment for elementary students to demonstrate the properties of light, including a step-by-step guide and a discussion prompt."

Bonus Tips:

    Break down complex topics: If you're dealing with a big concept, consider prompting Gemini to create a lesson plan that's broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks.
    Incorporate multimedia: You can ask Gemini to suggest relevant videos, images, or simulations to enhance the lesson.
    Differentiate for learners: Let Gemini know if you need ideas for modifying the lesson to cater to different learning styles or abilities.

Remember, Gemini is a tool to assist you. You can always adapt and improve the generated lesson plans to fit your specific needs and teaching style.


 "Design a science experiment for elementary students to demonstrate the properties of light, including a step-by-step guide and a discussion prompt."

Shadow Puppet Theater: Exploring Light and Opacity

This experiment uses a fun and engaging activity to showcase two key properties of light: its ability to travel in straight lines and to be blocked by opaque objects.


    Cardboard box
    Scissors or craft knife (adult supervision required)
    Craft paper or construction paper
    Markers, crayons, or paint

Step-by-Step Guide:

    Prepare the Stage: Carefully cut one large opening on the front side of the cardboard box to serve as the screen. You can also cut smaller shapes on the sides for additional light effects.
    Design Shadow Puppets: On the construction paper, students can draw and color their favorite animal shapes or characters. Encourage them to include details like large ears, long arms, or flowing tails to create interesting shadows. Cut out the puppets.
    Assemble the Puppets: Tape craft sticks or popsicle sticks to the back of each puppet for easy handling.
    Dim the Lights: Turn off the lights in the room or create a darkened area to best observe the shadows.
    Showtime!: Position the flashlight behind the box, shining the light onto the opening (screen). Students can take turns holding their puppets in front of the light source, manipulating them to create a shadow puppet show on the screen.

Discussion Prompt:

    What happens to the light when you place the puppet between the flashlight and the screen? Why do we see a shadow? (Light travels in straight lines and can't pass through the opaque puppet material, creating a dark area behind it.)
    How does the size and shape of the puppet change the shadow it casts?
    Can you try making the puppets hold objects? What happens to the shadow then? (Introduce the concept of multiple shadows for complex shapes.)
    Challenge students to create a short story using their shadow puppets!

Extension Activity:

Experiment with different materials for the puppets. Can you see through some materials? How does that affect the shadow? (Introduce the concept of translucent materials that allow some light to pass through.)



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