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Friday, May 17, 2024

Humor Prompts

 Joke Prompt Inspirations:


    A tourist asks a local for directions, but gets completely nonsensical advice.
    A robot misinterprets a human saying and takes it very literally.
    Two people are using the same word but meaning completely different things.

Unexpected twists:

    A self-help guru gives terrible advice that somehow works out.
    A villain reveals their evil plan, but it's incredibly mundane.
    Someone wins the lottery, but the prize is completely useless.

Puns and wordplay:

    A joke entirely based on a malapropism (misusing a word).
    A character's name is a pun on their profession.
    A sign or advertisement with a hilarious double meaning.


    Someone is incredibly bad at a very simple task.
    A minor inconvenience blows up into a huge disaster.
    Someone is overly enthusiastic about something mundane.

Pop Culture Parodies:

    Rewrite a famous movie scene with a completely different genre.
    A character from a classic novel gets a modern-day makeover.
    A well-known song gets hilariously bad lyrics.

Bonus Prompt:  Write a joke from the perspective of an unusual object, like a stapler or a houseplant.

Remember, the key to a good joke is setting up an expectation and then subverting it in a funny way.  Good luck!


 Deeper Dive Prompts:

Social Commentary:

    A joke that highlights the absurdity of a common social norm.
    A character complains about a modern technology in a way that's relatable and funny.
    A situation that pokes fun at a specific industry or profession.

Character Quirks:

    A character has a strange phobia that creates comedic situations.
    Someone is overly competitive about everything, even the most trivial things.
    A character takes a completely opposite approach to a common situation.

Unexpected Juxtapositions:

    Combine two completely different scenarios or characters for comedic effect.
    A historical figure is transported to modern times and struggles to adapt.
    A mythical creature tries to get a job or fit in with regular society.


    Craft a short, witty observation about a common situation.
    Write a punny one-liner based on a current event or trend.
    Come up with a funny self-deprecating remark.

Storytelling Prompts:

    A series of increasingly ridiculous lies someone tells to get out of trouble.
    A news report on a completely nonsensical event.
    A conversation overheard between two inanimate objects.


    Consider your target audience - who are you trying to make laugh?
    Play with different joke structures (e.g., setup-punchline, one-liner, situational comedy)
    Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun with the prompts!


Offbeat Prompts for Offbeat Jokes:

    A fortune cookie with a nonsensical or hilariously pessimistic message.
    A motivational poster with extremely unhelpful or even contradictory advice.
    A children's book about a very inappropriate topic (but still funny for adults).
    An instruction manual for something simple written in overly complex language.
    A product review for a completely nonsensical invention.
    A press conference where the speaker is completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation.
    A love letter written entirely in emojis (and somehow still conveys the message).
    A historical event retold from the perspective of a completely unimportant bystander.
    A song parody about the struggles of everyday life (like doing laundry or grocery shopping).
    A conspiracy theory about a completely mundane object, like a stapler or a coffee mug.

Prompts with a Twist:

    Write a joke but replace all the nouns with verbs. (Can be surprisingly funny!)
    Write a joke in the style of a specific comedian (like Mitch Hedberg or Steven Wright).
    Come up with a funny knock-knock joke with a completely unexpected punchline.
    Write a joke that's actually a riddle with a humorous answer.
    Create a joke that relies entirely on physical comedy (think of slapstick or facial expressions).

I hope these additional prompts spark some creative fire! Remember, the key to a good joke is surprise and a touch of the unexpected. Don't be afraid to get weird and have fun with it!

dvanced Joke Prompts:

Genre Bending:

    Write a joke that starts out serious and dramatic, then takes a sharp turn into the absurd.
    Craft a one-liner that combines elements of two seemingly unrelated genres (e.g., sci-fi and romance).
    Develop a stand-up routine told entirely in the form of a song (think Weird Al Yankovic).

Sensory Overload:

    Write a joke that relies heavily on vivid descriptions of sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch to create humor.
    Develop a scenario where a character's senses are completely mixed up, leading to comedic confusion.
    Craft a joke that's entirely silent, relying on facial expressions and physical actions for humor (think Charlie Chaplin).

Rule of Three:

    Set up a pattern or expectation with two initial elements, then subvert it with a hilariously unexpected third element.
    Write a joke with three increasingly ridiculous options presented as solutions to a problem.
    Craft a comedic list where the final item completely throws off the expected theme.


    Write a joke that acknowledges the act of joke-telling itself, and pokes fun at the process.
    Develop a character who is constantly breaking the fourth wall and making jokes about the audience or the situation.
    Create a stand-up routine that is self-deprecating and humorous about the struggles of being a comedian.

Audience Participation:

    Write a joke that requires audience interaction and participation for the punchline to work.
    Develop a comedic scenario where the success hinges on the audience misunderstanding something.
    Craft a call-and-response joke with a surprising or unexpected twist for the audience response.

Remember, these are just a springboard for your creativity.  Feel free to combine elements from different prompts or come up with your own unique twists!


  1. Duality in Action: A Gemini walks into a bar and orders a drink. Ten minutes later, they order another, completely different drink. The bartender asks, "Why the change of heart?" The Gemini replies, "My other half wanted something different."

This prompt taps into the classic Gemini trait of having two sides to their personality. You can play with this further by having the two sides argue over the punchline.

  1. Talkative Trouble: A Gemini time traveler goes back in history. They accidentally spoil a major historical event for everyone... except for their other self who wasn't listening because they were busy talking to someone else.

This prompt uses Gemini's love of conversation to create a humorous situation.

  1. Too Many Hobbies: A Gemini applies for a job. The interviewer asks, "What are your hobbies?" The Gemini enthusiastically lists ten completely different activities. The interviewer, overwhelmed, says, "Wow, that's impressive! But how do you find time for all of them?" The Gemini shrugs and replies, "I don't, but I'm always excited to try new things!"

This prompt pokes fun at Gemini's tendency to be interested in many things at once.

  1. Miscommunication Mishap: Two Geminis are having a conversation. One says, "I can't believe they did that!" The other replies, "Exactly! I told you they would!" They both chuckle, completely unaware they were talking about different things.

This prompt highlights the communication skills of Geminis, but with a twist of misunderstanding.

  1. Indecisive at the Grocery Store: A Gemini spends an hour at the grocery store debating between two different brands of cereal. Finally, frustrated, they buy both, muttering, "Maybe my other half will like the other one better."

This prompt plays on the stereotype of Geminis being indecisive.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to mix and match these prompts or come up with your own based on other Gemini traits you find funny!


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