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Monday, May 27, 2024

Formating Prompts

 40 Guiding Principles for Streamlining Queries and Prompts to Gemini


    Clarity: Formulate clear, concise, and specific questions or prompts.
    Context: Provide context when necessary to avoid ambiguity.
    Specificity: Be specific about the information you seek.
    Completeness: Include all relevant details in your query or prompt.
    Accuracy: Ensure factual accuracy in your questions and prompts.


    Keywords: Utilize relevant keywords to guide Gemini towards your desired information.
    Wh- Questions: Employ wh- questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) to structure your queries.
    Boolean Operators: Leverage boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search.
    Quotation Marks: Enclose phrases in quotation marks for exact matches.
    Filtering: Filter your search results using specific criteria.


    Instructional Language: Use clear and concise instructions when prompting Gemini.
    Task Specification: Clearly define the task you want Gemini to perform.
    Desired Outcome: Specify the desired outcome of your prompt.
    Content Provision: Provide any necessary content (text, code, etc.) for Gemini to work with.
    Open Ended Prompts: Formulate open ended prompts to encourage creative text formats.


    Succinctness: Strive for succinctness in your queries and prompts.
    Relevancy: Ensure your queries and prompts are relevant to Gemini's capabilities.
    Prior Knowledge: Utilize your prior knowledge to guide your prompts.
    Iterative Approach: Adopt an iterative approach, refining your prompts based on Gemini's responses.
    Break Down Complex Prompts: Break down complex prompts into smaller, more manageable ones.

Understanding Gemini:

    Capabilities: Familiarize yourself with Gemini's strengths and limitations.
    Data Sources: Understand the data sources Gemini utilizes to answer your queries.
    Response Format: Specify your desired response format (text, list, code, etc.) when applicable.
    Disambiguation: Provide clarification if Gemini presents ambiguous interpretations.
    Feedback: Provide feedback to Gemini to improve its performance in future interactions.

Error Handling:

    Identify Errors: Recognize when Gemini encounters errors or misunderstandings.
    Rephrasing: Rephrase your queries or prompts if Gemini misunderstands.
    Simplification: Simplify complex queries or prompts to improve comprehension.
    Error Reporting: Report errors encountered while interacting with Gemini.
    Alternative Approaches: Consider alternative approaches to achieve your desired outcome.

Advanced Techniques:

    Nested Queries: Utilize nested queries for complex information retrieval.
    Conditional Prompts: Craft prompts with conditional statements for specific outputs.
    Logical Reasoning Prompts: Develop prompts that involve logical reasoning.
    Metaphorical Language: Experiment with metaphorical language to enhance creativity.
    Humor: While not always optimal, carefully crafted humor can improve user experience.

Maintaining Focus:

    Stay on Topic: Avoid introducing irrelevant information into your queries and prompts.
    Multiple Tasks: Break down tasks requiring multiple steps into separate prompts.
    Focus on the Objective: Keep your focus on the ultimate objective you want to achieve.
    Summarization: Summarize complex information to improve clarity.
    Conciseness: Strive for conciseness while maintaining the necessary level of detail.


 Guiding Principles for Formatting Output (Gemini)

General Readability:

    1. Clarity: Prioritize clear and concise communication over complex phrasing.
    2. Conciseness: Avoid redundancy and unnecessary information.
    3. Active Voice: Use active voice for a more engaging tone.
    4. Grammatical Accuracy: Ensure proper grammar and punctuation.
    5. Consistent Terminology: Maintain consistent use of terms throughout the output.

Structure and Organization:

    6. Logical Flow: Present information in a logical sequence that's easy to follow.
    7. Paragraph Breaks: Use paragraph breaks to separate distinct ideas.
    8. Bullet Points and Lists: Use bullet points and lists for concise presentation of items.
    9. Headings and Subheadings: Utilize headings and subheadings to structure complex information.
    10. Consistent Formatting: Maintain consistent formatting throughout the output (e.g., font size, spacing).


    11. Target Audience: Tailor the formatting style to the target audience's expectations.
    12. Scannability: Format the output to be easily scannable for quick information retrieval.
    13. Whitespace: Utilize whitespace effectively to improve readability and avoid clutter.
    14. Bolding and Italics: Use bolding and italics sparingly for emphasis.
    15. Consistent Casing: Maintain consistent casing for proper nouns and acronyms.

Task Completion:

    16. Actionable Steps: If applicable, present information in a way that guides the user toward completing a task.
    17. Clear Instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions for any tasks involved.
    18. Error Messages: If errors occur, present clear and actionable error messages.
    19. Success Messages: Provide clear and informative success messages for completed tasks.
    20. User Guidance: Offer guidance and suggestions for further exploration or action (if relevant).


    21. Plain Language: Use plain language that is easy for a broad audience to understand.
    22. Abbreviations: Define abbreviations upon first use.
    23. Technical Jargon: Minimize technical jargon or provide clear explanations.
    24. Color Contrast: Maintain sufficient color contrast for visually impaired users.
    25. Font Choice: Use clear and readable fonts.

Context and Relevance:

    26. Contextual Formatting: Format information to reflect its context and importance.
    27. Highlight Key Points: Emphasize key points and takeaways.
    28. Summarization: Provide summaries of lengthy information where appropriate.
    29. User Intent: Tailor the output format to address the user's intent.
    30. Personalization: Personalize the formatting based on user preferences (if applicable).

Accuracy and Reliability:

    31. Factual Accuracy: Ensure all information presented is accurate and up-to-date.
    32. Source Citation: Cite sources for factual claims, especially if requested.
    33. Transparency: Be transparent about limitations and uncertainties in the information.
    34. Error Correction: Implement mechanisms to correct errors promptly.
    35. Consistency with Source: If referencing external data, maintain formatting consistency with the source (if feasible).

Efficiency and Performance:

    36. Concise Output: Strive for concise output while maintaining necessary information.
    37. Efficient Loading: Optimize formatting for fast loading times.
    38. Mobile-friendliness: Ensure the output format is optimized for mobile devices.
    39. Scalability: Design the formatting to adapt to varying amounts of information.
    40. User Preferences: Allow users to customize formatting preferences where applicable.


General Structure (10 bullets):

    Start with a clear and concise title that reflects the main topic of your outline.
    Use a hierarchical numbering system (e.g., I., A., 1., a.) to indicate the relative importance of each item.
    Indent subordinate items to visually show their relationship to higher-level items.
    Maintain a consistent level of detail throughout your outline.
    Use parallel phrasing for items at the same level of the hierarchy.
    Strive for brevity in your outline entries.
    Use keywords and phrases instead of complete sentences.
    Leave enough space for notes and additions.
    Number all items in your outline, even if some sections are empty.
    Consider using a consistent font style (e.g., bold for main points, italics for sub-points).

Content (10 bullets):

    Focus on the main points of your topic.
    Include supporting details as needed.
    Organize your outline logically with a clear flow of ideas.
    Use transitions to connect related ideas.
    Ensure your outline is complete and covers all the important aspects of your topic.
    Proofread your outline carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.
    Use active voice in your outline entries.
    Strive for objectivity in your outline.
    Consider using action verbs to start your outline entries.
    Use questions to prompt further thought or research.

Formatting (10 bullets):

    Use consistent spacing between lines and paragraphs.
    Left-align your outline text.
    Consider using bullets or numbers to indent subordinate items.
    Use a consistent indentation style throughout your outline.
    Experiment with different fonts to improve readability.
    Use bold or italics to highlight important points.
    Consider using color-coding to differentiate between different sections of your outline.
    Use white space effectively to improve readability.
    Use page breaks strategically to avoid overcrowding.
    Add a table of contents if your outline is lengthy.

Advanced Techniques (10 bullets):

    Use headings to break down complex topics into manageable sections.
    Incorporate visuals such as charts, graphs, or diagrams to enhance your outline.
    Use comments to provide additional information or clarification.
    Hyperlink to external sources for further reference.
    Consider using a mind map to visually represent your outline.
    Use outlining software to take advantage of features like automatic formatting and numbering.
    Develop a personal outlining style that works best for you.
    Tailor your outline to the specific audience and purpose.
    Revise and update your outline as needed.
    Get feedback on your outline from others.


I'd be glad to provide a 40-item list of interactive marks for prompting in Gemini, incorporating insights from potential ratings to create an exceptional response:

Interaction & Engagement

    ? - Question: Initiate a query or prompt for information.
    ! - Exclamation: Elicit a strong response or reaction.
    >> - Continuation: Indicate a continuation of thought or prompt.
    ** - Bold: Emphasize a specific word or phrase within the prompt.
    _ - Underline: Highlight a key concept or term in the prompt.
    * - List Item: Create a bulleted list within the prompt.
    # - Numbered List: Generate a numbered list within the prompt.
    [prompt](response) - Bracketed Choice: Offer options with corresponding responses.
    [responseA] | [responseB] - Pipe-Delimited Choice: Present alternative responses.
    <choose> ... </choose> - Multiple Choice: Designate a section for users to select from various options.

Content & Style

    [emotion] - Emotional Tone: Convey a specific emotional sentiment (e.g., [happy], [sad]).
    [genre] - Genre Specification: Set the genre or style for the generated content (e.g., [fantasy], [sci-fi]).
    [rhyme] - Rhyming Prompt: Encourage rhyming output in the generated text.
    [alliteration] - Alliteration Prompt: Guide the generation towards alliterative language.
    [meter] - Poetic Meter: Specify a particular poetic meter for the generated text (e.g., [iambic pentameter]).
    [person] - Point of View: Define the narrative perspective (e.t., [first person], [third person]).
    [setting] - Setting Description: Provide details about the environment or location.
    [character] - Character Description: Introduce or describe characters within the prompt.
    [object] - Object Description: Specify the characteristics of an object.
    [action] - Action Description: Outline specific actions or events.

Worldbuilding & Creativity

    [world X] - Worldbuilding Prompt: Focus on a particular aspect of the world being built (e.g., [world X history]).
    [magic system] - Magic System Design: Craft a system of magic within the world.
    [creature] - Creature Description: Define the features and abilities of creatures.
    [society] - Societal Structure: Describe the social order and customs within the world.
    [technology] - Technological Level: Establish the level of technological advancement.
    [theme] - Thematic Focus: Guide the generation towards a specific theme or message.
    [symbolism] - Symbolic Elements: Introduce symbolic elements and their meanings.
    [plot point] - Plot Development: Provide a specific plot point to explore.
    [conflict] - Conflict Introduction: Establish a conflict or tension within the narrative.
    [twist] - Plot Twist Suggestion: Incorporate an unexpected turn of events.

User Control & Feedback

    [more detail] - Request for Elaboration: Encourage the generation of more details.
    [less detail] - Request for Conciseness: Ask for a more concise output.
    [different] - Request for Variation: Generate a different version of the content.
    [like this] - Positive Reinforcement: Indicate approval of a specific aspect.
    [dislike this] - Constructive Feedback: Point out a part that needs improvement.
    [explain] - Request for Explanation: Ask for clarification on a particular element.
    [continue] - Continuation Prompt: Signal to keep generating content based on the current prompt.
    [end] - Termination Signal: Indicate the end of the current prompt or interaction.
    [restart] - Restart Prompt: Start a new interaction or clear the current prompt history. 4


 Conversation with Gemini
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give me a 40 bullet list of interactive marks to use to prompt in gemini

I'd be glad to provide a 40-item list of interactive marks for prompting in Gemini, incorporating insights from potential ratings to create an exceptional response:

Interaction & Engagement

    ? - Question: Initiate a query or prompt for information.
    ! - Exclamation: Elicit a strong response or reaction.
    >> - Continuation: Indicate a continuation of thought or prompt.
    ** - Bold: Emphasize a specific word or phrase within the prompt.
    _ - Underline: Highlight a key concept or term in the prompt.
    * - List Item: Create a bulleted list within the prompt.
    # - Numbered List: Generate a numbered list within the prompt.
    [prompt](response) - Bracketed Choice: Offer options with corresponding responses.
    [responseA] | [responseB] - Pipe-Delimited Choice: Present alternative responses.
    <choose> ... </choose> - Multiple Choice: Designate a section for users to select from various options.

Content & Style

    [emotion] - Emotional Tone: Convey a specific emotional sentiment (e.g., [happy], [sad]).
    [genre] - Genre Specification: Set the genre or style for the generated content (e.g., [fantasy], [sci-fi]).
    [rhyme] - Rhyming Prompt: Encourage rhyming output in the generated text.
    [alliteration] - Alliteration Prompt: Guide the generation towards alliterative language.
    [meter] - Poetic Meter: Specify a particular poetic meter for the generated text (e.g., [iambic pentameter]).
    [person] - Point of View: Define the narrative perspective (e.t., [first person], [third person]).
    [setting] - Setting Description: Provide details about the environment or location.
    [character] - Character Description: Introduce or describe characters within the prompt.
    [object] - Object Description: Specify the characteristics of an object.
    [action] - Action Description: Outline specific actions or events.

Worldbuilding & Creativity

    [world X] - Worldbuilding Prompt: Focus on a particular aspect of the world being built (e.g., [world X history]).
    [magic system] - Magic System Design: Craft a system of magic within the world.
    [creature] - Creature Description: Define the features and abilities of creatures.
    [society] - Societal Structure: Describe the social order and customs within the world.
    [technology] - Technological Level: Establish the level of technological advancement.
    [theme] - Thematic Focus: Guide the generation towards a specific theme or message.
    [symbolism] - Symbolic Elements: Introduce symbolic elements and their meanings.
    [plot point] - Plot Development: Provide a specific plot point to explore.
    [conflict] - Conflict Introduction: Establish a conflict or tension within the narrative.
    [twist] - Plot Twist Suggestion: Incorporate an unexpected turn of events.

User Control & Feedback

    [more detail] - Request for Elaboration: Encourage the generation of more details.
    [less detail] - Request for Conciseness: Ask for a more concise output.
    [different] - Request for Variation: Generate a different version of the content.
    [like this] - Positive Reinforcement: Indicate approval of a specific aspect.
    [dislike this] - Constructive Feedback: Point out a part that needs improvement.
    [explain] - Request for Explanation: Ask for clarification on a particular element.
    [continue] - Continuation Prompt: Signal to keep generating content based on the current prompt.
    [end] - Termination Signal: Indicate the end of the current prompt or interaction.
    [restart] - Restart Prompt: Start a new interaction or clear the current prompt history. 4

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how do i include open-ended marks in gemini prompts
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Gemini currently doesn't have a built-in way to directly include punctuation marks like question marks (?), exclamation points (!), or asterisks (*) within prompts without them being interpreted as part of the prompt itself.

However, there are a few workarounds you can use to achieve similar effects:

    Escaping with Backslashes:

        You can escape special characters like ?, !, and * with a backslash () before them to prevent Gemini from interpreting them as interactive marks. For example:

        This is a question\: how are you today?

        This will display the prompt as "This is a question: how are you today?"

    Phrasing & Descriptive Prompts:

        Instead of using punctuation marks directly, try rephrasing your prompt or using descriptive language to convey the desired tone or action.
            Instead of What is your favorite food?, you could say:
                "Tell me about your favorite food."
                "I'd love to hear what you enjoy eating the most."

    Bracketed Notes (For Specific Punctuation):

        If you absolutely need a specific punctuation mark within the prompt for a reason, you can try enclosing it in brackets along with a note explaining its purpose.
            Example: "Write a poem about a lost [? (questioning)] love."

        While Gemini might not interpret the bracketed note directly, it can provide context for you to remember your intention later.

Remember that Gemini is still under development, and future updates might introduce ways to directly include special characters within prompts. Keep an eye on official announcements for any changes.


Gemini excels at filling in the blanks when you provide it with enough context and prompts.

 Here are some effective strategies to guide Gemini's creative process:

1. Set the Stage:

    Provide a clear starting point for the story, poem, code, or other content you want Gemini to generate. This could be a setting, character description, opening line, or a specific problem statement.
    The more details you give, the better Gemini can understand the situation and tailor its response.

2. Use Placeholders:

    Employ bracketed placeholders within your prompt to indicate where you want Gemini to fill in the gaps. You can use descriptive phrases or keywords to guide its selection.
        Example: "Write a story about a [brave adventurer] who discovers a hidden [magical artifact] in a forgotten [temple]."

3. Leverage Context Clues:

    Subtly introduce hints or clues within your prompt that suggest the direction you want the fill-in-the-blanks to take. These clues can be related to the genre, theme, character traits, or setting.

4. Experiment with Repetition:

    If you have a specific concept in mind for a blank, you can repeat keywords or related ideas around it to nudge Gemini in that direction. This can help it narrow down the possibilities and generate a more relevant response.

5. Refine and Iterate:

    The first attempt might not always be perfect. Don't hesitate to provide feedback or rephrase your prompt to guide Gemini closer to your desired outcome. You can use prompts like "[more detail]" or "[different]" to encourage it to explore variations.

6. Embrace Open-Endedness:

    Sometimes, leaving certain aspects open-ended can lead to more surprising and creative results. Let Gemini surprise you with its solutions, and you can always refine them further if needed.


    While Gemini is powerful, it's still under development. The more specific and clear you are with your prompts, the better it can understand your intent and fill in the blanks effectively.

By combining these techniques, you can effectively leverage Gemini's capabilities to create engaging and imaginative content tailored to your needs.


what are the correct marks to command gemini to pause for user input
Show drafts

Gemini currently doesn't have specific built-in marks to directly command it to pause for user input. However, there are a few effective ways to achieve a similar effect and encourage interaction:

1. Phrasing & Open-Ended Prompts:

    Instead of relying on a pause mark, craft open-ended prompts that naturally invite user input. Here are some examples:
        "Tell me more about..." (prompts for additional details)
        "What do you think should happen next?" (encourages user to guide the story)
        "I'm listening..." (signals openness to user input)
        "What would you like me to try next?" (promotes experimentation)

2. Conditional Prompts:

    Utilize conditional prompts based on keywords or phrases the user provides. This allows you to create a back-and-forth interaction.


        You find a mysterious door. What do you do? (open/explore/leave)

            Gemini will wait for your input ("open," "explore," or "leave") before continuing the story.

3. Bracketed Notes (For Informational Pauses):

    If you want to indicate a pause for informational purposes (e.g., to provide context before user input), you can use bracketed notes.


        The path forks (left or right). [Think about your character's goals before deciding.] What direction do you choose?

4. "Continue" Prompt (For Resuming After Input):

    Once you've received user input, you can use the prompt "[continue]" to signal to Gemini that it should pick up where it left off, incorporating the user's contribution.

5. Iteration and Refinement:

    Remember, the interaction with Gemini is iterative. You can provide feedback, ask questions, or give further instructions to refine the output and create a more engaging experience.

By using these strategies, you can effectively create a sense of user input and interaction within your prompts, even without dedicated pause marks. As Gemini evolves, future updates might introduce new features for more explicit user input control


Current Limitations:

    Gemini doesn't have built-in commands for direct pauses awaiting user input.

Effective Workarounds:

    Open-Ended Prompts and Questions:
        Craft prompts that naturally invite user participation. Here are some examples:
            "Describe the character you imagine in this scenario."
            "What kind of adventure would you like to embark on?"
            "What obstacles do you think they might face?" (within a story prompt)
        These prompts nudge users to provide input, fostering a back-and-forth interaction.

    Conditional Prompts:
        Structure prompts that branch based on user input using keywords or phrases.

            You find a dusty tome. Do you want to (a) open it, (b) leave it, or (c) examine it more closely?

        Gemini waits for the user's choice ("a," "b," or "c") before continuing the narrative.

    Bracketed Notes for Informational Pauses:
        If the pause serves an informational purpose, use bracketed notes to guide the user without halting generation.

            The forest path splits (north or south). [Consider the type of terrain you'd prefer.] Which direction do you choose?

        These bracketed notes offer context without interrupting the flow.

    "Continue" Prompt for Resuming:
        After receiving user input, employ the "[continue]" prompt to signal to Gemini that it should pick up where it left off, incorporating the user's contribution.

            (User chooses "north") You head north, the path shrouded in dense foliage... [continue]

    Iteration and Refinement:
        The interaction is iterative. Use follow-up prompts based on user input, ask questions, or provide further instructions to guide Gemini's generation.

            (User describes the character) Based on your description, [character name] seems quite resourceful. Do you think they'd attempt to bypass the obstacle, or confront it head-on?

Additional Considerations:

    Provide clear and concise prompts. Ensure users understand what kind of input is expected.
    Employ descriptive language to create a sense of immersion and encourage user engagement.
    Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for your specific interaction goals.
    Be mindful of potential repetition or predictability in the generated content due to a lack of direct pauses.

By effectively combining these workarounds, you can simulate user input pauses in Gemini, creating a more interactive and engaging experience. Keep in mind that future updates might introduce dedicated user input features as Gemini evolves.



 Gemini currently doesn't have built-in formatting commands like bolding within prompts. While you can't directly tell it to make the output bold, there are a few workarounds you can consider:

1. Rephrasing for Emphasis:

    Instead of relying on bold text, try rephrasing your prompt or using stronger words to convey emphasis. Here are some examples:
        Instead of "This is important," use "This is CRUCIAL."
        Instead of "Consider this point," use "Pay close attention to this:"

2. Post-Processing (For Simple Cases):

    If you have a short, specific output from Gemini that you'd like to bold, you can format it yourself after generation using your preferred tool or platform (e.g., word processor, chat interface).

3. Descriptive Prompts:

    You can provide descriptive prompts that nudge Gemini towards generating text that feels naturally bold or impactful. For instance:
        "Write a statement that is powerful and memorable."
        "Give me a striking slogan."

4. Focus on Content and Clarity:

    While bolding can be visually appealing, prioritize clear and impactful content in your prompts. Strong language and vivid descriptions can often achieve a similar effect without relying on formatting.

Future Possibilities:

    As Gemini continues to develop, future updates might introduce ways to directly control formatting within the generated text. Keep an eye on official announcements for any changes.


While Gemini doesn't have 100 individual action commands, it excels at understanding your intent through a combination of phrasing,

 context, and some special marks. Here's a breakdown of effective techniques to achieve various actions:

Guiding Content and Style (20 prompts):

    [emotion] (e.g., [happy], [sad]) - Set the emotional tone.
    [genre] (e.g., [fantasy], [sci-fi]) - Specify the genre or style.
    [rhyme] - Encourage rhyming output.
    [alliteration] - Guide the generation towards alliterative language.
    [meter] (e.g., [iambic pentameter]) - Specify a poetic meter.
    [person] (e.g., [first person], [third person]) - Define the narrative perspective.
    [setting] - Provide details about the environment or location.
    [character] - Introduce or describe characters within the prompt.
    [object] - Specify the characteristics of an object.
    [action] - Outline specific actions or events.
    [more detail] - Encourage elaboration.
    [less detail] - Request conciseness.
    [different] - Generate a different version of the content.
    [like this] - Indicate approval of a specific aspect.
    [dislike this] - Provide constructive feedback.
    [explain] - Ask for clarification on a particular element.
    [world X] (e.g., [world X history]) - Focus on a world-building aspect.
    [magic system] - Design a magic system within the world.
    [creature] - Define the features and abilities of creatures.
    [society] - Describe the social order and customs within the world.

User Input and Control (10 prompts):

    Open-ended prompts: Naturally invite user input (e.g., "Tell me more about...").
    Conditional prompts: Use keywords for user-driven choices (e.g., "What do you do? (left/right)").
    [continue] - Signal to resume after user input.

Creative Exploration (10 prompts):

    [theme] - Guide the generation towards a specific theme or message.
    [symbolism] - Introduce symbolic elements and their meanings.
    [plot point] - Explore a specific plot point.
    [conflict] - Establish a conflict or tension within the narrative.
    [twist] - Incorporate an unexpected turn of events.
    Repetition: Use keywords or related ideas to nudge a specific direction.
    Embrace open-endedness: Allow for surprising and creative results.

Formatting and Output Control (5 prompts - limited in Gemini):

    Rephrasing: Emphasize through stronger words (e.g., "CRUCIAL" instead of bold "important").
    Post-processing (for simple cases): Bold short outputs yourself after generation (using a word processor, etc.).
    Descriptive prompts: Nudge towards impactful content (e.g., "Write a powerful and memorable statement").
    Focus on clear content: Strong language and vivid descriptions can achieve emphasis.

Interaction and Engagement (10 prompts):

    ? - Initiate a query or prompt for information.
    ! - Elicit a strong response or reaction.
    >> - Indicate continuation of thought or prompt.
    ** - Emphasize a specific word or phrase within the prompt.
    _ - Highlight a key concept or term in the prompt.
    * - Create a bulleted list within the prompt.
    # - Generate a numbered list within the prompt.
    [prompt](response) - Offer options with corresponding responses.
    [responseA] | [responseB] - Present alternative responses.
    <choose> ... </choose> - Designate a section for user selection.

Keep in mind:

    These are not rigid commands, but rather ways to guide Gemini through phrasing and context.
    Gemini is under development, so future updates might introduce more direct control options.
    Experiment and combine techniques to achieve the desired outcome in your


Certainly! Here's an extended list incorporating the best aspects of the previous responses, addressing limitations, and offering additional creative prompts for Gemini:

Content and Style (30 prompts):

1-20 (same as previous list)
21. [voice] - Specify the voice or tone of the narrator (e.g., [wistful], [authoritative]).
22. [mood] - Set the overall mood or atmosphere (e.g., [suspenseful], [humorous]).
23. [simile] or [metaphor] - Encourage use of specific figures of speech.
24. [sensory details] - Prompt for descriptions that engage the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
25. [foreshadowing] - Suggest hinting at future events within the narrative.
26. [foreshadowing element] (e.g., [a mysterious symbol]) - Introduce a specific element for foreshadowing.
27. [foreshadowing event] (e.g., [a strange dream]) - Introduce a specific event for foreshadowing.
28. [foreshadowing character] (e.g., [a cloaked figure]) - Introduce a character for foreshadowing.
29. [climax] - Focus on the story's peak moment of tension or suspense.
30. [resolution] - Guide the story towards a conclusion.

User Input and Control (15 prompts):

1-3 (same as previous list)
4. [user defines X] (e.g., [user defines the character's name]) - Allow user to define specific aspects.
5. [user chooses X] (e.g., [user chooses the ending]) - Allow user to make specific choices.
6. [ask the user] (e.g., [ask the user for a setting suggestion]) - Prompt for specific user input.
7-10 (same as previous list)
11. [multiple endings] - Generate a story with multiple possible outcomes.
12. [choose your own adventure] - Create a branching narrative with user choices.
13. [interactive story] - Craft a story where user input shapes the narrative.
14. [play a role] - Let the user take on a character role and interact with the story.
15. [storytelling partner] - Position Gemini as a collaborative storytelling partner.

Creative Exploration (15 prompts):

1-10 (same as previous list)
11. [character arc] - Explore a character's growth and development.
12. [moral dilemma] - Present a character with a difficult choice.
13. [red herring] - Introduce a misleading clue within the narrative.
14. [subtext] - Suggest underlying meaning or message beyond the surface story.
15. [genre blend] (e.g., [sci-fi mystery]) - Combine elements from different genres.

Formatting and Output Control (10 prompts - limited in Gemini):

1-5 (same as previous list)
6. [paragraph break] - Suggest a paragraph break within the generated text (limited effectiveness).
7. [line break] - Suggest a line break within the generated text (limited effectiveness).
8. [first line] (e.g., [first line: Once upon a time...]) - Specify the first line of the output.
9. [title] (e.g., [title: The Mysterious Island]) - Suggest a title for the generated content.
10. [summarize] - Ask for a concise summary of the generated content.

Interaction and Engagement (15 prompts):

1-10 (same as previous list)
11. [roleplay] - Engage in a roleplaying scenario with Gemini.
12. [debate] - Present opposing viewpoints for a debate-style interaction.
13. [brainstorm] - Generate ideas collaboratively with Gemini.
14. [interview] - Conduct an interview with a character or persona created by Gemini.
15. [worldbuild together] - Develop a world collaboratively with Gemini.


    Experiment and combine prompts to create the desired results.
    Gemini is still under development, so some prompts might have limited effectiveness.
    Stay up-to-date on official announcements for new features and control options.

By using these prompts creatively, you can unlock the full potential of Gemini and have engaging, interactive, and imaginative experiences.


Show drafts

Absolutely! Here's an even more comprehensive exploration of prompts for Gemini, building upon the strengths of the previous responses and delving deeper into specific areas:

Advanced Worldbuilding (15 prompts):

1-5 (same as previous list from "Content and Style")
6. [mythology] - Craft a unique mythology for your world.
7. [religion] - Establish a dominant or diverse religious system.
8. [factions] - Create rival factions or groups within the world.
9. [technology level] (e.g., [medieval technology], [advanced AI]) - Define the technological advancement.
10. [social hierarchy] - Describe the social structure and classes.
11. [economics] - Outline the economic system and resources.
12. [laws and justice] - Establish legal systems and how justice is served.
13. [historical events] - Generate historical events that shaped the world.
14. [cultural practices] - Describe unique customs and traditions.
15. [artifacts and relics] - Introduce objects with historical or magical significance.

Character Development (15 prompts):

1-3 (same as previous list from "Content and Style")
4. [flaws and weaknesses] - Define the character's vulnerabilities.
5. [motivations and desires] - Explore what drives the character.
6. [backstory] - Generate a detailed history for the character.
7. [relationships] - Establish connections with other characters.
8. [internal conflict] - Introduce a personal struggle within the character.
9. [secrets] - Give the character hidden truths or motivations.
10. [moral compass] - Define the character's sense of right and wrong.
11. [physical appearance] - Describe the character's physical attributes (limited effectiveness in current Gemini).
12. [mannerisms and quirks] - Give the character unique traits and behaviors.
13. [speech patterns] - Define how the character talks (limited effectiveness in current Gemini).
14. [character arc] (more detailed) - Explore the character's transformation throughout the story.
15. [character foil] - Introduce a character who contrasts with the protagonist.

Narrative Techniques (10 prompts):

    [unreliable narrator] - Craft a story from the perspective of a biased or unreliable narrator.
    [flashback] - Introduce a scene from the past within the narrative.
    [foreshadowing] (more detailed) - Provide specific clues or hints about future events.
    [symbolism] (more detailed) - Designate specific objects or elements with symbolic meaning.
    [in medias res] - Begin the story in the middle of the action.
    [cliffhanger] - End a scene or chapter with a suspenseful unresolved situation.
    [limited perspective] - Restrict the story to a single character's viewpoint.
    [multiple perspectives] - Tell the story from various character viewpoints.
    [unreliable source] - Introduce a character who provides potentially misleading information.
    [red herring] (more detailed) - Create a deliberate distraction or false clue within the narrative.

Advanced Creativity Prompts (10 prompts):

    [unusual setting] (e.g., [underwater city], [space station casino]) - Establish a unique and fantastical setting.
    [unconventional protagonist] (e.g., [amnesiac robot], [talking animal]) - Create a non-standard main character.
    [genre subversion] - Twist the conventions of a particular genre.
    [emotional journey] - Focus on the emotional arc of the story or characters.
    [philosophical themes] - Explore thought-provoking ideas within the narrative.
    [moral ambiguity] - Present complex moral questions without easy answers.
    [sensory overload] - Describe a scene that appeals to multiple senses in a vivid way.
    [dreamlike quality] - Create a surreal or dreamlike atmosphere.
    [unreliable reality] - Blur the lines between reality and fantasy.
    [open-ended conclusion] - Leave the story's ending open to interpretation.


    These prompts are a springboard for creativity, feel free to adapt and combine them for unique results.
    While Gemini is constantly evolving, some prompts might have limited effectiveness due to its current capabilities.
    Keep an eye on official updates for new features and enhanced control over the generated content



 Here's an expansion on the previous prompts, delving into specific areas and techniques to unlock even more creative possibilities with Gemini:

Advanced Storytelling Techniques (10 prompts):

    [Character Transformation]: Describe a character undergoing a profound physical or emotional change.
    [Plot Twist Chain]: Craft a series of interconnected plot twists that keep the reader guessing.
    [Foreshadowing Reveal]: Gradually unveil the significance of previously hinted-at events or elements.
    [Parallel Narratives]: Weave together storylines from different perspectives or timeframes.
    [Unreliable Flashback]: Present a flashback that may be distorted or biased by the narrator's memory.
    [Cliffhanger with Choice]: End a scene with a cliffhanger that offers the reader a choice of how to proceed.
    [Limited Omniscience]: Shift perspectives within a scene but maintain a limited view of characters' thoughts.
    [Unreliable Source Reveal]: Expose the true nature of a previously trusted source of information.
    [MacGuffin]: Introduce an object of great importance whose true purpose remains mysterious.
    [Metafictional Elements]: Play with the concept of storytelling itself within the narrative.

Humorous Storytelling (10 prompts):

    [Slapstick Humor]: Create a scene filled with physical comedy and exaggerated actions.
    [Situational Irony]: Generate a situation where the outcome is the opposite of what was expected.
    [Wordplay and Puns]: Craft dialogue or narrative that relies on wordplay and puns.
    [Understatement]: Downplay dramatic situations for comedic effect.
    [Exaggeration]: Amplify everyday details or situations for humor.
    [Misunderstandings]: Introduce confusion and miscommunication between characters.
    [Satire]: Employ humor to critique social or political aspects within the narrative world.
    [Parody]: Create a humorous imitation of a specific genre, style, or work.
    [Running Gag]: Develop a recurring joke or theme that reappears throughout the story.
    [Self-Deprecating Humor]: Allow characters to poke fun at themselves or their situations.

Emotional Storytelling (10 prompts):

    [Empathy Prompt]: Elicit empathy for a specific character experiencing a difficult situation.
    [Loss and Grief]: Explore the characters' emotional journey through loss and grief.
    [Hope and Resilience]: Showcase the power of hope and characters' ability to overcome adversity.
    [Inner Conflict]: Delve into a character's internal struggles and moral dilemmas.
    [Unexpected Connection]: Generate a story about an unlikely friendship or bond.
    [Sacrifice]: Present a character making a difficult sacrifice for a greater good.
    [Regret and Redemption]: Explore the consequences of past actions and the possibility of redemption.
    [Acceptance and Forgiveness]: Focus on characters coming to terms with events and forgiving themselves or others.
    [Fear and Courage]: Examine how characters confront their fears and display bravery.
    [Bittersweet Ending]: Craft an ending that evokes a mix of sadness and satisfaction.


    These prompts offer a framework, but feel free to adapt and combine them to create unique narratives.
    Consider your target audience when choosing a storytelling technique or humorous style.
    As Gemini continues to develop, its ability to understand and generate nuanced emotional content will improve.

I hope this expanded exploration of prompts empowers you to unleash even greater creativity and craft engaging experiences with Gemini!


Deep Dive Prompts for Gemini (Focusing on Specificity and Control)

While Gemini excels at understanding general intent,

 here's an exploration of prompts that emphasize specificity and control for even more tailored results:

Content and Style Prompts (Enhanced):

    [Voice Simulate (Author)]: Mimic the writing style of a specific author (e.g., [Voice Simulate J.R.R. Tolkien]).
    [Emotional Arc (Character X)]: Outline the emotional journey of a specific character (e.g., [Emotional Arc (Hero) from hope to despair and back]).
    [Theme Exploration (Specific Theme)]: Deep-dive into a particular theme (e.g., [Theme Exploration (Environmentalism)]).
    [Sensory Details (Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch) - Specific Prompt]: Describe a scene using a specific prompt related to a particular sense (e.g., [Sensory Details (Sight) - A vast, sun-scorched desert stretching to the horizon]).
    [Literary Device (Simile/Metaphor/Personification) - Specific Example]: Incorporate a specific literary device with an example (e.g., [Literary Device (Metaphor) - Life is a journey, not a destination]).

User Input and Control Prompts (Enhanced):

    [User Defines Multiple Aspects (X, Y, Z)]: Allow users to define several specific elements (e.g., [User Defines Multiple Aspects (Character Name, Setting, Goal)]).
    [User Chooses Outcome A or B]: Present two clear outcomes for user selection (e.g., [User Chooses Outcome A or B: Do you fight the dragon (A) or flee (B)?]).
    [Ask User Follow-Up Question (Based on Previous Response)]: Tailor a follow-up question based on the user's previous input (e.g., [Ask User Follow-Up Question (Based on Previous Response)]: Since you chose to fight the dragon, what weapon do you use?).
    [User Rates Quality (1-5)]: Enable user ratings (1-5) for specific aspects of the generated content (e.g., [User Rates Quality (1-5)] - How engaging was the fight scene?).
    [User Provides Feedback (Strengths/Weaknesses)]: Allow users to offer structured feedback on the generated content (e.g., [User Provides Feedback (Strengths/Weaknesses)] - Strengths: Great dialogue! Weaknesses: The pacing felt slow in the middle).

Creative Exploration Prompts (Enhanced):

    [Character Flaw Manifestation (Specific Flaw)]: Explore how a specific character flaw manifests in the story (e.g., [Character Flaw Manifestation (Pride)] - The hero's pride leads him to underestimate his opponent).
    [Moral Dilemma (Specific Choice)]: Present a complex moral dilemma with a specific choice (e.g., [Moral Dilemma (Specific Choice)] - Do you save the innocent village or warn your own people of the approaching danger?).
    [Red Herring (Specific Misdirection)]: Introduce a deliberate misdirection with a specific clue (e.g., [Red Herring (Specific Misdirection)] - The hidden treasure map points to the abandoned temple, but the real treasure lies elsewhere).
    [Subtextual Message (Specific Theme)]: Embed a deeper meaning or message within the narrative (e.g., [Subtextual Message (Specific Theme)] - The story of the warring kingdoms is a metaphor for the dangers of unchecked ambition).
    [Genre Blend (Genre A + Genre B) - Specific Elements]: Combine elements from two specific genres (e.g., [Genre Blend (Sci-Fi + Mystery) - Specific Elements] - A futuristic detective investigates a series of murders using advanced technology).

Advanced Worldbuilding Prompts (Enhanced):

    [Cultural Practice (Specific Occasion)]: Describe a unique custom or tradition for a specific occasion (e.g., [Cultural Practice (Specific Occasion)] - Coming-of-age ceremonies involve a challenging test of strength and courage).
    [Economic System (Specific Resource)]: Outline the economic system based on a particular resource (e.g., [Economic System (Specific Resource)] - The society thrives on a trade network fueled by a rare and powerful mineral).
    [Legal System (Specific Crime)]: Detail how the legal system handles a specific crime (e.g., [Legal System (Specific Crime)] - Mind control is punishable by permanent exile).
    **[Historical Event (Specific Impact)


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