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Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Slave Owner With a Heart



  1802 Will & Testament of Timothy Tynes, Isle of Wight Virginia

From Copies in Possession of Barbara Tynes Claiborne and Mark James

Submitted: March 2006

In the name of God amen, I Timothy Tynes do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in the following manner (to wit). My Will and desire is that all my slaves of every description (to wit)

Prince, Bob, George, Peter, Jacob, Great James, little James, Dick, Silver, Chaney, Nancy, Bathia, Conny, Phillis, Fanny, Lily, Sukey, Nancy, Little Phillis, Harry, Patience, Isham, Harriott, Davy, Linda, Dolphin, Aaron, Isaac, Bukey, Betsey, Moses, Cherry, Great Charles, Little Charles, Robin, Grace, Sam, Lewis, Kitt, Godfry, Jack, Beck, Venus, Caty, John, Iris, Charles, Daniel, Ephraim, Fanny, Rose, Foreman, Sidy, Rhoda, Joe, Sirus, Nanny, Soukey [or Loukey?], Harry, Jesse, Dick, Mary, Jude,Pricilla, Nancy, Willis, Benn, asia, Sarah, Hannah, Dick unge, Tina, Randall, Ned, Tom, Talus, Cambo, Sal, Daughny, Aggy, Bob, & Ally together with their increase including Nancy's Child and all other of my Slaves that are not herein mentioned -- be fully & freely liberated from all Slavery & stand discharged from Slavery & bondage to enjoy all the priviledges that Free Negroes are entitled to by the Laws and regulations of the state of Virginia. 

It is to be understood that all my slaves & their increase are to be liberated. 

It is my will that that part of my River Land call'd Bennett's shall be occupied by Beck (which formerly belonged to Allen Cock's estate) and all her children during their lives & after the death of them all the said land shall revert to David Tynes Son of Benjamin Tynes decd. to him & his heirs forever. 

I give & bequeath to John & iris Children of Beck the sum of Five Hundred pounds to be Equally divided between them. 

-- It is also my Will & desire that they may have each of them one feather Bed & furniture and five head of Cattle & that John have my bay colt at the river plantation.

 I give & bequeath unto Sukey the daughter of Nancy two hundred & fifty pounds to her and her Heirs for ever. -- I give & bequeath unto Beck (of A. Cock's Estate) One Hundred & fifty pounds to her & her heirs forever. 

It is my Will and desire that my River plantation, formerly Drews, be given to John the son of Beck to him and his Heirs forever.

 It is also my will & desire that the said John shall have the stock of every description on the said place (river plantation) formerly Drews, to him & his heirs forever. 

I Give and bequeath to Prince a servant liberated by my Will a Plantation which my Father Robert Tynes purchased of James Jones to him & his heirs forever.

 I give & bequeath toTim a servant liberated by my Will One Hundred acres of Land, being part of the Tract which my father purchased of Rascow.

 I give and bequeath unto Sam One Hundred Acres of the said Tract it is understood to them and their Heirs forever. I give & bequeath to Dick unge one Hundred acres of Land of the Tract whereon he now lives to him & his heirs forever. 

I give & bequeath the ballance of the said Tract to be equally divided amongst the Negroes liberated by me, living on the said Plantation with Dick unge & the stock to be equally divided amongst Dick unge & others on the said plantation and also Plantation utensils. 

I give & bequeath to my Niece Sally Tynes Purdie the whole of that tract or parcel of land formerly the property, of Timothy Tynes decd. (now known by the name of Harry's to her & her Heirs forever.

 I give & bequeath after my decease the whole of the tract of land which I now live on, & which was generally known by the Appelation of Tynes's Store unto David Tynes to him & his heirs forever.

I Give & bequeath unto little Charles my Plantation known by the name of Toby's together with the stock thereon and also the stock at Harry's & where I now live to him & his Heirs forever. 

I constitute and appoint my friend James Johnston whole & Sole executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 9th day of May one thousand eight Hundred & two.

Timothy Tynes {Seal}

Signed & Sealed
In the presence of
John Easson
P. Jordan
Will Johnston

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