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Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Not-So-Mini Mountain Fight--Cheat Mountain


While the Civil War had many giant battles with thousands of soldiers, there were also smaller skirmishes that played a big role in the war. Today, we'll dive into one such fight: The Battle of Cheat Mountain, which happened way back in 1861, just a few months after the war began!

Imagine it's 1861. The United States is like a giant family, but the northern and southern states are arguing badly. The southern states want to be their own country because they disagree with the north on some important things, like slavery. This disagreement led to war!

West Virginia Wants to Stay United

West Virginia, back then part of Virginia, found itself stuck in the middle. Many people in West Virginia didn't want to leave the United States, even though Virginia was joining the south, or the Confederacy. So, West Virginia decided to become its own state and stay with the north, or the Union. This made the south really mad!

The Importance of Cheat Mountain

Cheat Mountain is a tall, rugged mountain in what's now West Virginia. It had a railroad that connected the north and south. Whoever controlled Cheat Mountain could control this important transportation route. The south, led by General Robert E. Lee (who you might know from later in the war!), sent troops to take over Cheat Mountain.

The Union Takes a Stand

The Union, led by General McClellan, wasn't going to let that happen! They sent their own troops, many of them volunteers who hadn't had much training, to fight for Cheat Mountain.

The Battle Begins!

On November 11th, 1861, the fight started. Imagine these young soldiers, some barely teenagers, facing each other on a steep mountainside. They fired guns called muskets, which took a long time to reload. The battle raged for two days. Soldiers hid behind trees and rocks, shooting and yelling. It must have been scary!

A Turning Point

Even though the Union soldiers were outnumbered and less experienced, they had a big advantage: surprise! They attacked the Confederate camps at dawn, catching them off guard. The Confederates fought back bravely, but eventually, they had to retreat. The Union won the Battle of Cheat Mountain!

Why This Skirmish Matters

This small battle might not seem like much compared to the giant battles of the Civil War, but it was a turning point. It showed that the Union was serious about fighting for West Virginia. It also gave the Union a boost of confidence early in the war.

Think Like a Historian!

Imagine you're a detective trying to solve a mystery. Historians are like detectives for the past! They use clues like letters, diaries, and photographs to understand what happened in history. By studying the Battle of Cheat Mountain, historians can learn more about the early days of the Civil War and the fight for West Virginia.

This is just a taste of the Battle of Cheat Mountain! If you're curious to learn more, you can ask your teacher or librarian for books about it.

Cheat Mountain Battle: A Quick Outline

  • The Split: The United States is divided, with southern states wanting to be their own country.
  • West Virginia's Choice: West Virginia chooses to stay with the Union.
  • Cheat Mountain's Importance: Cheat Mountain controls a key railroad route.
  • The Battle Begins: Union and Confederate troops fight for control of the mountain.
  • Surprise Attack: Union troops attack at dawn, gaining the upper hand.
  • A Union Victory: The Union wins the Battle of Cheat Mountain.
  • Why it Matters: This small battle has a big impact on the war.

Cheat Mountain Battle Test (Multiple Choice)

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question.

  1. Why did the southern states want to leave the United States? a) They wanted a different president. b) They disagreed with the north on slavery. (Correct!) c) They spoke a different language.

  2. What did West Virginia decide to do during the Civil War? a) Join the southern Confederacy.
    b) Stay with the northern Union. (Correct!) c) Become its own country and stay neutral.

  3. Why was Cheat Mountain important? a) It had a beautiful view. b) It controlled a key transportation route. (Correct!) c) It had a lot of gold hidden there.

  4. Who won the Battle of Cheat Mountain? a) The southern Confederacy
    b) The northern Union. (Correct!) c) Nobody won, they tied.

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