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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

75 unique user input prompts

 75 Unique User Input Prompts:

    Write a haiku inspired by a recent dream.
    Imagine a world where everyone has a superpower based on their biggest fear. What's your superpower?
    You find a mysterious note that simply says "follow the white rabbit." What do you do?
    If you could have one superpower for a single day, what would it be and why?
    Create a new emoji to represent a specific emotion we don't have one for yet.
    Describe your ideal breakfast in detail.
    You stumble upon a portal to another dimension. What's the first thing you do?
    Write a short story with the title "The Day the Internet Forgot How to Cat."
    If you could travel to any point in history, when and where would you go?
    You wake up and everyone is speaking a language you don't understand. How do you react?
    Design a theme park based on a historical period.
    You inherit a vast fortune with one strange condition: you must spend it all in a single week. How do you do it?
    If animals could talk, what would be the most annoying thing your pet would say?
    Describe your spirit animal and why it represents you.
    Write a limerick about a historical figure.
    Create a new board game with a unique twist on a classic mechanic.
    You win a contest to name a new species of animal. What do you call it and why?
    Invent a new holiday and describe its traditions.
    Design a robot companion with a specific purpose.
    Write a song from the perspective of a household object.
    What unsolved mystery would you love to see cracked? Why?
    If you could have any fictional character as your mentor, who would it be and why?
    Describe a future invention that would drastically change the way we live.
    Create a conspiracy theory about a seemingly mundane object.
    You discover you have a hidden talent. What is it and how do you use it?
    Write a news headline from an alternate reality.
    Design a new flag for your country (or a fictional country) with symbolic meaning.
    Imagine a world where everyone has to wear a name tag that displays their most embarrassing memory. How do you cope?
    You get to create your own course at school. What's the subject and why is it important?
    Write a poem about a social issue you care about.
    You are shrunk to the size of an ant. How do you survive in your own house?
    If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be and why?
    Design a new type of transportation system for a crowded city.
    Create a children's book illustration and write a short story snippet to go with it.
    You inherit a rundown castle. How do you renovate it and make it profitable?
    Write a letter to your future self with advice for the next five years.
    Imagine a world where silence is valued more than speech. How do people communicate?
    You discover a hidden room in your house. What's inside?
    Create a new slang term and describe the situation where you would use it.
    Design a piece of clothing that reflects your personality.
    You are given the chance to live in a movie or TV show for a week. Which one do you choose and why?
    Write a fictional blog post from the perspective of a historical figure.
    Imagine a world where everyone has a second shadow that reflects their deepest desires. What does yours look like?
    You can rewind time by 10 minutes, but only once a day. How do you use this power to your advantage?
    Design a new type of pet that is unlike any animal we have today.
    Create a restaurant menu with a unique theme.
    Write a code of conduct for social media that everyone must follow.
    Imagine a world where emotions are contagious. How do people interact?
    You are granted one wish, but it comes with a monkey paw-like twist. What do you wish for and what's


    u wake up with a strange symbol tattooed on your palm. What does it look like and what does it mean?
    Design a board game where the players are all famous works of art.
    Write a song in a genre you typically don't listen to.
    Create a social media challenge that encourages people to do something positive.
    Imagine a world where pain is a valuable commodity. How do people use it?
    You discover a hidden message encoded in a seemingly ordinary book. What does it say and who wrote it?
    Design a piece of furniture that has a dual purpose.
    Write a ghost story set in a familiar location (your school, workplace, etc.).
    Imagine a world where everyone has a unique melody that plays whenever they enter a room. What's yours?
    Create a movie pitch for a genre you've never seen before.
    You are tasked with designing a new warning label for a common household item. What item and what's the warning?
    Write a letter to your younger self with advice you wish you knew back then.
    Imagine a world where dreams are more real than reality. How do people live?
    Create a new emoji that represents a complex philosophical concept.
    Design a website for a fictional business with a fantastical service.
    Write a news report about a major scientific breakthrough.
    Imagine a world where silence is a crime. How do people express themselves?
    You are given the ability to control one element of nature (fire, water, earth, air). What do you choose and why?
    Create a workout routine inspired by a historical period or culture.
    Write a love letter from the perspective of an inanimate object.
    Imagine a world where everyone has a doppelganger with the opposite personality. How do you deal with yours?
    Design a piece of jewelry that has a hidden compartment. What could it be used for?
    Write a short story with the title "The Last Book on Earth."
    Imagine a world where technology has advanced so much, nobody needs to work anymore. How do people spend their time?
    Create a recipe for a dish that combines two unexpected cuisines.
    You are invited to a costume party with the theme "Unsolved Mysteries." Who or what do you dress up as?

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