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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Knowledge Graph: American Civil War


Create a a knowledge graph for the American Civil War

Knowledge Graph: American Civil War

Central Entities

  • American Civil War (1861-1865)
  • Union (United States of America)
  • Confederacy (Confederate States of America)


  • Slavery (moral and economic disagreements)
  • States' Rights (power of federal government vs. states)
  • Westward Expansion (slavery's expansion into new territories)

Key Events

  • Secession of Southern States (1860-1861) (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas)
  • Battle of Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861) (Confederate attack on Union fort - start of war)
  • Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863) (Lincoln declared slaves free in Confederate states)
  • Gettysburg Address (November 19, 1863) (Lincoln's speech on war's purpose and democracy)
  • Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865) (Lee's surrender to Grant - effectively ending the war)


  • Union Leaders: Abraham Lincoln (President), Ulysses S. Grant (General)
  • Confederate Leaders: Jefferson Davis (President), Robert E. Lee (General)


  • Abolition of Slavery (13th Amendment ratified 1865)
  • National Unity Preserved (United States remained one nation)
  • Reconstruction Era (Challenges of reuniting the country)
  • Social and Economic Changes (North's industrial power strengthened, devastation in the South)

Additional Connections

  • Border States: (Slave states that remained in the Union - Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, West Virginia)
  • Technology: (Innovations in weaponry - ironclad warships, machine guns)
  • Social Issues: (Role of African Americans, treatment of prisoners of war)

Note: This is a basic knowledge graph and can be expanded upon to include more details, battles, and figures.

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