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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

DIY: Have fun with Bard

 Try this text below for a complex prompt

Task: Extract information and knowledge from the following text: Text: (Insert the text you want to analyze here) Instructions: Identify key entities: People: (e.g., names, titles, professions) Places: (e.g., locations, geographical features) Organizations: (e.g., companies, institutions, governments) Events: (e.g., historical events, natural disasters, conferences) Other relevant entities specific to the text domain (e.g., scientific concepts, historical periods) Identify relationships between entities: Describe the connections and interactions between the identified entities. Use verbs and phrases to express these relationships (e.g., "founded", "discovered", "participated in", "located in"). Extract key facts and concepts: Summarize the main ideas and important details mentioned in the text. Focus on factual statements and avoid subjective opinions. Output: Present the extracted information in a structured format, such as a list, table, or knowledge graph. Ensure the information is concise, clear, and easy to understand. Additional Notes: You can modify the specific entities and relationships to suit the type of text you are analyzing. Feel free to add further instructions or examples to guide the model towards the desired output format.

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