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Friday, October 27, 2023

Withholding Grain

 The verse "withholding grain shall be cursed" is from the Bible, Proverbs 11:26. It is a warning against hoarding food and not sharing it with those in need. The verse teaches that those who do so will be cursed by God.

There are a few different ways to interpret this verse. One interpretation is that it is a warning against greed. When we hoard food, we are putting our own needs ahead of the needs of others. This is a selfish and greedy attitude, and it is something that God condemns.

Another interpretation of the verse is that it is a warning against injustice. When we withhold food from those who need it, we are creating a situation where some people have more than they need while others go hungry. This is an unjust situation, and it is something that God will not tolerate.

Finally, the verse can also be interpreted as a warning against materialism. When we focus on accumulating material possessions, we can lose sight of what is truly important in life. We can become so attached to our possessions that we are unwilling to share them with others. This is a materialistic attitude, and it is something that God condemns.

No matter how we interpret it, the verse "withholding grain shall be cursed" is a powerful reminder that we are all responsible for caring for those in need. When we share our resources with others, we are not only obeying God's commands, but we are also making the world a better place.

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